Chapter 22

  Shadow Chaser:

  Elena stepped back fast. Her eyes filled with panic. Jess's eyes widened in fear, blocking her niece from his view, but the taller man could still see Elena's panicked face.

  Demon frowned.

  Perhaps he should have been more gentle in his introduction. Still, it was always good to keep the truth in the open. Elena was an assignment to him. His mark. Given to him by Hades to eliminate her and bring him her soul.

  He couldn't keep the truth from her, he likes her, really likes her a lot.

  "You are an assassin?" Elena asked once she found her voice once again.

  "Yes, your assassin." Demon confirmed. "Don't you still get it?"

  "Wait a minute, are the Princess assassin? The one who had been killing all Princesses?" Jess asked suspiciously.

  "Now you understand, so yes I am the Princesses assassin." Demon confirmed her suspicions.

  "What!?" Both Jess and Elena said together in loud gasps.