Chapter 32

  My Love (Semi Final):

  Demon released his hold on Annabel and shifted back giving a little bit putting some space between them.

  "I am not bluffing Annabel, now leave before I lose my cool." Demon ordered.

  "You haven't seen the last of me yet." Annabel huffed angrily and walked out of the house slamming the door behind her hard.

  "And who are you Young man?" King Eremus demanded as soon his ex wife had left their presence.

  "Someone who is in love with your daughter Elena, sir." Responded Demon. He bowed his head low and said. "Greetings my King."

  Acknowledging his greeting, King Eremus asked. "But that hasn't answered my question yet. Who are you and how are you connected to my ex wife?"

  "Sorry for not answering your questions. My name is Chase Demon, I am half Demon and a half Shadow Walker that is to say I am not human." Demon introduces himself. "And I love your daughter so much sir." He added.