Chapter fifteen: The shadow creature

The sky bellowed and the rain poured down in a torrent, threatening to drown out everything in existence. It was still dark and the moon was hidden behind the clouds. The thunder roared furiously and lightning flashed from time to time.

A carriage raced down a hill carrying a man, his wife, and children. They seemed to be going somewhere and did not want to stay out that night in such a storm. The horse neighed loudly as it charged furiously down the hill, being driven by the man.

All of a sudden, the man's eyes sighted an old woman bent over with a stick. He couldn't see her face, because of the hood. His heart pounded furiously, as lightning flashed revealing a smirk on the woman's face.

She started waving at them, but the man was too terrified to stop. The carriage sped past the woman, but the man was still uncertain about their safety at that moment.

"Can you keep it slow? Albert is dying." His wife cried to him, as she cuddled a boy. He looked sick and his eyes were moist. His temperature was rising rapidly and he was sneezing.

"I can't...there is an old woman back there. I don't think we are safe." He informed her as he whipped the horse, causing it to run even faster.

"An old woman..." The woman began but was interrupted by a burst of hysterical laughter. It was coming from up the hill, where the old woman stood.

The laugh was loud even, that it felt like the old woman was in the carriage. They could all hear it and it was approaching them. That laugh and the feeling of dread, course down their spine.

"Mom, someone's following us." Dante, her second son informed, as he pointed behind them.

"Honey move faster!" The lady cried out to her husband as she sighted a figure running down the hill, toward their carriage.

"You can not escape the clutches of death!!" A voice loud enough to frighten a legion of soldiers said to them. It was coming from a figure that was now racing after them.

The lady in the carriage went into shock as lightning flashed, revealing the figure as a woman in a cloak. It was that old woman and she was inching closer and closer to the carriage. She was less than ten feet from the carriage and was inching closer.

"Faster! Faster!!." The lady cried out, as she cuddled her two sons tightly. "...For as bright as day and as dark as night, I call upon the.." She prayed as her eyes locked onto the approaching woman.

The carriage raced down the hill, sending debris flying everywhere. "...Free us from our evil ones, oh mother of the stars." She ended and her hand gripped the Amulet on her neck.

Turning towards her sons, she teared up. "Mummy loves you both and I hope you know that...I never regret having my boys with me. I'll be back ok?" She said to them and proceeded to step out of the carriage.

Her sons cried and begged her not to do it. Not to leave them, and it only made her sad. "Olivia, don't!" Her husband begged as he glanced at her.

Olivia looked ahead and right in front of her, the old woman transformed into a flying creature and it was so close that all it had to do was fly onto the carriage, and that was what it did.

"Woosh !! "

With a flap of its wings, the creature fly and landed right on the roof of the carriage. They could hear the sounds of stomping feet on the roof of the carriage, and all of them almost had a heart attack. They were visibly frightened from fear of the unknown.

All of a sudden, the creature screeched so loud that their ears bled from it. The horse fell and they crashed, skidding down the hill. Some minutes later, Albert the sick one woke up to see his family in a bloody mess.

His father's legs were mangled and a plank of wood was impeded into his eyes. His mother was impeded into the heart by metal and his brother was nowhere to be found.

"Dad! Mom!!" He cried as he realized that they had gone limp and weren't moving. He shook them, with tears in his eyes.

*Crunch *Crack*

The sound of leaves being stomped on, startled him as he turned to see an old woman standing in front of him. "Please don't kill me." He begged as he was visibly scared.

The creature stared at the young boy with bloodthirsty eyes. Its maw opened so wide, that it revealed a set of sharp teeth. Like a hungry beast released from its cage, it flew to the boy and began to devour him amidst screams.


Meanwhile, at another part of the hill, Dante woke up with a bruised forehead and arm. He looked around and far from where he lay, was their carriage in the wreckage.

He wanted to rush over to see if his family, survived the accident, but he felt goosebumps on his skin as his eyes locked onto the creature's

His adrenaline kicked In and he ran toward a settlement ahead of them, while being chased by the creature. His hand frailed about as he ran like a lunatic.

"Help! Help !!" He cried out but he couldn't outrun the monstrosity that pursued him. He did not want to die that night. He wanted somebody, anybody, to see him and come to his aid.

As soon as the creature was about to get a hold of its second walking 'meal', it was pushed back by a blast of strong wind.


"Are you ok?" A woman with blue hair and pink lips asked him. she wore a blue flowing gown and it gave her the appearance of a goddess.

"Please don't kill me." Dante pleaded with hot tears streaming down his face. His hands were placed together and he fell to his knees.

The young lady looked at him and frowned slightly. "I will protect you." She said instead and beamed him a reassuring smile.

The creature interrupted them with a louder screech as it was in pain. with two flaps of its wings, it flew towards the person that had caused it pain.

"Burn. " The young lady simply said with her hand stretched out and to the surprise of the creature and the young boy, blue flames shot out from her hand.

The creature was flying so fast that it couldn't Dodge the attack and was engulfed in flames. It crash landed several meters behind the lady and screeched in pain.

As the fire consumed the creature, it reverted back to the old lady and began to plead for mercy but the lady gave an indifferent expression and watched her burn to death.


In a large room, there was a round table and twelve people were seated around the table. They all looked shocked as they stared at one of their members.

Her blue hair was tied to a bun and her eyes looked cold at the moment. She was in a blue gown and she glanced at the other men and women around the table.

"And you claimed you saw a shadow creature?" Another woman with white hair and pale lips asked her. The air around her felt chilly and the temperature began to drop even more.

"Yes... I fought one myself. There was a little boy and his family have already been killed by the creature before I got there." The blue-haired lady replied as she remained expressionless. "...But what I could not understand was how they got back here. We all sealed them, along with Lord khaos to prevent him from destroying the world." She said and looked at all of them.

"If truly the shadow creatures are still alive and existing, does that mean Lord Khaos is awake?" One of the men in the room asked, with a hint of worry.

"He shouldn't be, else we all die." A woman with a wand replied. Her pupils were white like she was blind but judging by the way she looked at each one of them, they could tell that she could see them.

"That's what I thought until I remembered that two days earlier, I could feel the space distort, but only for a few seconds. What if truly the shadow creatures are not alife, I mean not on their own?..." The blue-haired lady asked them.

A man with red hair looked at her with confusion, he wore a long cloak. "What are you trying to say, Arora?" he asked the blue-haired lady and they all stared at her.

"What I'm trying to say is... What if they are here because someone interfered with time?"


A/N: Dear readers, I'm sorry that you have to wait so long for chapters but please bear with me. once I sign my contract, I promise to make it up to you guys. My sincere apologies.

You can reach out to me on my Instagram account: lurd_nazzy. I love you all for been patient with me and for reading and saving to their shelf.

once I sign the contract, I will inform you guys

