Meeting With Bo Cheng And A Missing Daughter.

Lin Yan woke up with a smile on her face, she felt no regrets on what happened yesterday. It made her to wondered if she could start a new relationship with Li Lingyun but would that really be alright? She still has no idea how she was able to enter Shen Yi body, what if she comes back or is she really dead. To be honest those thoughts scares her.

Her phone rang and she saw that it was a call from Mrs Shang, she answered and heard her saying "I was able to set up a meeting for you with Bo Cheng."

"He agreed to see me?"

"Yes, he did. He wished to apologise personally from what you went through in the neighborhood."

"But it wasn't his fault."

"You shouldn't worry about it, that is just how he is. He is a lawyer, so he cares about justice."

Now she was curious about this Bo Cheng, "Send me his number."