Something Was Wrong.

Greenville hotel was one of the biggest hotel in country D and the birthday celebration took place in the hotel ballroom.

The ballroom was filled with people from prestigious family and of course their children.

Lin Yan looked at Li Lingyun and asked "Who invited all this people."

"It was their children that was invited but they came along too with hopes for finding a new business partner or making new business connections."

After the cutting of cake and presenting of gifts. Li Xiao and the other children went to the playground leaving the adults alone to discuss their business.

"Are you bore already?" Lin Yan heard a voice behind her and turned, she saw Yao Qi smiling at her with a drink in her hands.

"No not really. I'm just glad that Li Xiao is having fun. It's not everyday she plays with kids her age."

"That is true, but I would prefer for her not to play too much with Li Jun kid."