
Lin An watched as his sister slept in his shoulder and whispered "I will never allow you to be like that woman. I'm going to protect you Lin Yan, even if it is the last thing I do."


Before Li Lingyun arrived home it was already evening. He sighed in relief when he saw Li Xiao sleeping in the backseat.

He carried her in his arms to her bedroom and was about to laid her down on her bed when she whispered "Mummy."

He carress her hair and said "I'm sorry but I don't think I can make your birthday wish come true."

He kissed her forehead and left the room.

Immediately he left the room, he called Gu Wei and asked "Where is she?"

Gu Wei was silent for a brief moment before saying "Mrs.Li is at Lin An's apartment."

Li Lingyun eyes became cold as he said "Ensure whatever happened in the hotel today stays in the hotel and also find me the staff who said he saw Lin An dragging a woman to a room."