Finding The Truth.

Lin An stared at Li Lingyun quietly before asking "Why would you ask me such an absurd question? How can they be the same person?"

"Then why would she do it? Why did she play that video on the wedding and most of all how did she even get a video that Lin Yan recorded?"

"I gave it to her because she offered to help me." Lin An said.

"She offered to help? Shen Yi and i got married two months after Lin Yan and Li Jun got married. We have been married for three years and throughout those years I could bet anything that those two have never had a conversation together before, so do you really expect me to believe that Shen Yi gain some sympathetic emotion towards Lin Yan because she was betrayed?"

"Are you saying that your wife is incapable of feeling sympathy."

"I don't care if she is sympathetic or not but let this be the last time you get her involved with your nonesense."