Each Other's Life Force

"I got this message at the house today." Lin Yan said as she passed her phone to Lin An.

Lin An took her phone and said "It's from an unknown number. Don't worry about it, I will take of it."

Lin Yan looked at her brother and asked "You know who sent me this, don't you? That day, you knew someone saw us, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it was fun. Remember Zi Xia, the little girl who would always cry at the smallest of things."

"The girl who followed you around claiming that she was your wife? Was she the one who saw us?" Lin Yan asked.

Lin An simply nodded and said "Everything started a year after you were married to Li Jun. I met her again and she wanted me to be her lover or else she would tell the truth to Li Jun and ruin your marriage."

"Did you really become her lover? Why didn't you tell me this? You know she has been obsessed with you since we were kids, how could you hide this from me."