In A Coma.

Lin Yan woke up and felt a strong hand round her waist. Remembering last night bought a huge smile on her face. She pressed her face to Li Lingyun chest in order to inhale his scent when she heard Li Lingyun voice saying "Don't you wish to get out of bed.".

Lin Yan hugged Li Lingyun tightly and said "No, let's just stay like this together."

Li Lingyun chuckled and kissed her forehead before wrapping his hands around her again. "I also want us to stay like this forever but we have things to do."

"Let's forget about them." Lin Yan said before suddenly hearing the growling of a stomach.

Li Lingyun laughed softly as he asked "Should we also forget about your growling stomach."

Lin Yan cheek became red as she said "Yes forget about that too."

Li Lingyun smiled and said "But how can I forget the fact that my wife is hungry. Let's shower and then make something for you to it."

Lin Yan left Li Lingyun embrace as she said "Shower? Together?"