New World? You think so little...

Ainz Ooal Gown, one of the most infamous of the guilds in the DMMORPG of Yggdrasil, known to only harbor heteromorphic or non-human players. They are considered as one of the strongest guilds ever constructed ever since Yggdrasil's beginning stages.

Through the 12 years that Yggdrasil was running, the guild had attained 41 members. Each one of them were labeled as monsters by Yggdrasil's community. The greatest of them were users Touch Me, Peroroncino, Bukubukuchagama, Ulbert Alain Odle, Momonga and Szrazyn C'Tan.

Although slowly the original 41 members of Ooal Gown had gone their separate ways because of IRL problems. Until only 2 members remained, the guild's leader, Momonga, and its greatest scientist and tactician, Szrazyn.

By the last days of Yggdrasil, Momonga was an Overlord of the Undead, but Szrazyn was a hybrid between a Necron and a C'Tan. The rarest of races were hybrids, some of these hybrids harbored the greatest of heroes and sometimes the most malicious of dark kings.

The years were lonely but Momonga and Szrazyn were together in those years. Keeping the tomb clean and spotless while doing the much needed chores for the guild to stay alive. Sometimes, Momonga and Szrazyn had met up in real life where they had a coffee together or just had beer.

Unfortunately, Yggdrasil's player base was dying, the original players that started playing ever since the start of the game had now completed everything they were offered by the limits of the game. Eventually they would stop logging into Yggdrasil and leaving behind numerous high-level accounts. In succession to these events, the developers and the company which owned Yggdrasil had announced they were discontinuing the game. The entirety of the guilds, the NPCs and the accounts were going to be terminated and deleted from existence, into the vastness of the wide web.

As such, Momong and Szrazyn had planned to use the remaining time they had on Yggdrasil inside the guild they had cherished, cultivated, and cared for as if a child for more than a decade.

* Underground Tomb of Nazarick *

Momonga was sitting on a large chair which circled a marble table that was usually used for important meetings and in the Guild. All the other chairs were empty save for one, on the chair sat a black tar-like ooze, this was one of Momonga's close friends, Herohero.

"It's been a while Herohero, hasn't it?"

"Two years? Jeez, it's been that long?"

"It has. I didn't expect you to go online today."

"I can't believe it's been that long. I've been focused on working for so long that I've lost any concept of time *laugh*"

Momonga internally sighed and felt sorry for his friend. Momonga blatantly showed his pain at the suffering and 'torture' his friend's been going through.

"That's quite unfortunate, surely that isn't healthy for you, Hero."

"Tell me about it. In all honesty, my body is starting to feel like how my avatar looks."

Hero could see Momonga's sadness and discomfort from his words.

"I'm sorry Momonga, I shouldn't have come here to just complain about my boring and mundane job."

"Don't worry, as your friend I am happy to lend an ear."

"*laugh* Thanks."

The two heteromorphs shared a couple of good laughs until a door opened. From it came the guild's most infamous member, Szrazyn.

"Zyn! How's it been?"

"It's been good and fine here and there, Hero. Also glad to see you online after so long."

"It's good to see you too."

Hero said as Szrazyn took a seat.

Suddenly, an glowing box appeared before Hero's avatar, Momonga felt saddened while Szrazyn had a calm and understanding mood.

"Time for you to go, Hero?"

"Yeah I have to, Zyn. By the way, Momonga, Zyn. Without your determination in the game, none of us would be able to return after leaving."

"Well we built this place together and as its Guild Master, I shall see to it that it will be at tip top shape."

Momonga said, gaining a quick chuckle from Hero.

"We worked hard for this place after years of grinding. Why would I leave it, it's like our child."

Szrazyn added to Momonga's words.

"*Laugh* Yeah, I hope we meet in IRL again."

All of them waved goodbye to each other, as Hero's avatar disappeared and the announcement that he logged out. In a fit of rage, Momonga slammed his skeletal fist down at the table. A zero appeared above his fist.

"Come on guys! Hero made it so why can't any of you?!"

"Calm down, skele-boy."

Momonga looked at Szrazyn in shock.

"I thought I told you to never call me that ever again?!"

"It doesn't matter. The others couldn't join most likely because of IRL problems... c'mon look at the bright side, at least SOMEONE joined instead of none of them."

"You're right, I'm sorry for my outburst, Zyn."

"It's fine."

Momonga then stood up and looked at a staff that floated on one of the marble walls. He took it into his skeletal fingers in its golden design.

"The guild's weapon, the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. We spent countless hours grinding the resources just to forge it, some of the members even used vacation days to continue scavenging for the most important materials."

Momonga then looked at Szrazyn's staff, the Anathema Staff. Szrazyn noticed how Momonga has still retained his curiosity for his staff.

"Don't think I would ever trade this relic for that. No offense to the guild and our fellow members but it took me a whole damn year to create this weapon."

"Don't worry, Zyn. I won't kill you for it."

"Oh really? So be it."

They then walked out of the meeting room and to the hallways of the Nazarick. They then stumbled across multiple NPCs, awaiting their next orders from the Overlord of the Undead and the Star God of the greater galaxy.

They were the Pleiades Six Stars and the head butler of the Tomb, Sebas Tian.

"What were their names again?"

Momonga questioned.

"The Pleiades and-"

Szrazyn walked to Sebas.

"-this one is Sebas Tian."

"Se- Sebas tian?"

"Touch Me created him."

"I see, we always intended for them to be the last line of defense if ever it came to be but when you joined the Guild no one dared to even try and raid the guild."

"Maybe you should move them around one last time."

"Alright... Follow!"

At the command, Sebas and the Pleiades stood up and followed Momonga and Szrazyn. As they reached the throne room, the giant golden doors opened. Marching to the throne, Momonga looked back to the Pleiades and Sebas.

He then sat on the Throne of Kings, a World-Tier item the guild acquired through conquering Nazarick on their first attempt. Looking to his left stood or realistically, floated, Szrazyn, who's green soul-piercing eyes floated in a dark void that which was his body.

To his right stood a fair-skinned woman with long black hair who had a pair of protruded horns, her yellow eyes ensnaring Momonga's. This was Albedo, the Overseer of the Floor Guardians.

After admiring the beauty of the succubus, Momonga looked at her character file in the small likelihood that her creator, Tabula Smaragdina, left anything interesting. However, he had forgotten that Tabula was a text and details monster like his green-eyed friend.

"Well that's Tabula for you."

"If you want more you can just look into the history of one of my- "

"NO! Just no! One of those files can be over 200 thousand words long. You think I'd have the time to read that?!"

"Just saying."

Momonga sighed at his best friend's antics. As he skipped through the paragraphs of text, a single line would catch his eye.

'Also, she is a total slut.'

Momonga sat there, frozen and speechless. For a few moments he couldn't discern what was real and what was an illusion his mind had conjured for him. Seconds later he would sadly come to know the truth that one of his friends certainly did call his creation a slut.

"Damnit, Tabula!"

Momonga had shouted, gaining quite a glare from Szrazyn.

"What'd he write?"

"He called Albedo a slut!"

"*Sigh* Mind you that Tabula was into Gap Moe."

Momonga sat there, dumbfounded, he had forgotten that Tabula was a massive fan of Gap Moe. He then looked at Albedo's character file and then to the staff then an idea appeared in his head.

Using the staff, he altered the line that said of Albedo's slutty personality to that of "She is madly in love of Momonga."

"Are you that lonely?"

"It's a one time thing!"

"Do what you wish I guess."

As the time was slowly counting down. Momonga had a few words to say.

"Hey, Zyn."


"Can we have another dinner this saturday?"

"I'll see if my schedule is open.

"I also want to thank you... for all the time and effort you put into Yggdrasil."

Szrazyn stood there speechless, for the whole time he played Yggdrasil, this was one of few times he was thanked for something.

"It is what friends are for, think not of it."

"It was fun playing with you these past years, you know what? It was a blast."








"Wha- What's happening?!"