Weak and Fear

Scarlett couldn't understand why Mr. Knight showed her the sudden cold gesture. He was standing in his living room all along before her arrival but as soon as she appeared, he walked away as if he disliked her presence. What could have possibly happened after their interview session? It must be work stress for giving him a bad mood but still she had a little hope that at least they would be conversing like civil persons. Well, it shouldn't matter to her as she has only one motive for coming here.

Ricardo, her husband's men must be looking for her everywhere in Europe. May it be any country or any city, they would search for her in every street possible but if she resides here in Mr. Knight's house then, not even Ricardo can find her. After all, searching a billionaire's house is impossible; getting information from a billionaire's household is impossible; plus, it would be unimaginable for him to think for her to live with a man as a live-in maid. Yes, there may be some day she has to go out shopping and bring in necessities for the household but she has it all covered. The appearance she has now is far different from what Ricardo has seen, if her face remains covered then no one will be able to recognize her.

Her life has finally taken a good turn after experiencing hell by Ricardo's wrath. Her heart still trembles thinking what she has survived from. The humiliation, the insults, the abuse; everything was pure torture. She remembers how filthy his world is and how women are treated in the underworld. Just like that day when for the first time he introduced her to his partners of his illegal business.


She turns around from the alcohol cabinet to her husband, Ricardo Martinez. With a forced smile she nods at him and walks to where he's already sitting with the group of men. Some were young and some were very old and sat with women half of their ages.

She's disgusted by the scene when an old prick tried to kiss the girl who showed clear discomfort yet out of fear she might have submitted.

It's disgusting but it's fate.

A fate that they have accepted and eventually she has too.

She wanted to rebel against the devil till her last breath but again feared death even more. The pain tolerance she had was getting weaker and weaker day by day. So, gulping down her will to fight anymore she gave in to the devil instead of giving up on her life.

"Come baby, sit on my lap." He says just as she reaches towards him and obeys his demand. "Good girl." Whispering into the nape of her neck.

She could only smile at his gestures but her insides were carving her soul for being so weak. He tends to lean towards her lips when a squirm escapes her mouth, her heart starts beating fast knowing she denied him for a kiss in front of his guests, she fears now he will punish her in front of everyone. Not only that would be humiliating but also unbearably painful "What happened baby?" Placing a finger under her chin, he tilts her face close to his mouth. "You don't want it?"

"I- I'm sorry Ricardo, I wasn't prepared for it. Please forgive me." Sweat droplets start to form on her forehead.

He smiles at her, "so, are you prepared now? Shall we kiss darling?" He asks with a sweet tone but she knows very well what's under this false appearance.

She stared at his eyes and the reflection of her in them gave shivers down her spine. The meek and helpless girl is losing her soul to the mirror holder and she is silently submitting herself, even though her heart yearns for escape.

His grip on her chin increases as he raises his voice slightly to get his answer, "shall we?" Scarlett nods knowing now there's no escape but that doesn't please his ego, "I need words baby."

Gulping down her shame, she says "yes, Ricardo."

He inhales deeply in her aroma just as her lips lets his name roll out of her tongue. "Love, you make me want you so much more now."

Scarlett couldn't make it strong enough for the show as a lone tear tricked her eyes and escaped its cave falling down her cheek. Ricardo, being the sadist man caught it between his lips and drinks to quell his thirst of lust. "Bedroom," he pushes her off his lap, "go wait for me- now."

Coming back to the present she realizes how often she dozes off to the brutal memory lane. Walking ahead inside the penthouse she observes the details of the house. It's lavish and luxurious all in all, from a grand piano to a mini bar set up with a wine cellar and alcohol cabinet. Everything is present in this house. Seeing the alcohol cabinet half opened she assumes it had been used recently. Mr. Knight must have taken a full bottle with him upstairs to his room. She wonders just how much of an alcoholic he is?

"Stella- wait, I can call you by your name, right?" Jones, the butler, speaks to her but sees her looking straight at one distance; he curiously looks after what looking at and finds she's deep in thought seeing the liquor cabinet half opened and half messy. He lets out a silly chuckle, "oh, that?" He asks, scratching his head sheepishly, "sir, usually makes quite a mess when he's drunk but don't worry you don't have to work on your first night."

First night.

Those dreadful words were enough to bring her back to reality as she raised an eyebrow at him in question. "What did you say?"

Jones, shakes his head at her, "try to pay more attention Stella, anything can happen in any moment." 'What an airhead!' He thought to himself. 'Instead of paying attention to the surroundings, she is dozing off. No wonder why his boss would choose her. She definitely seems like a lost cause.'

"What do you mean by that?" She asks as he starts to walk ahead of her guiding towards a room downstairs the penthouse.

"Well, you know what I mean."

She shakes her head and presses more into the matter, "say clearly. What should I expect? What can happen?"

He sighs tiredly, "don't you see the news?"

"Stop talking in riddles, Jones." She threw a tight-lipped smile at him which gave all the intention of 'no bullshit with me' vibe.

He curses under his breath. "Last time who was previously appointed in your place, was being raped and he did it in his drunken state." He leans down close to her face, looking left and right before speaking. "It's better you never show up when he is drunk." Saying with a hushed tone he leans back apart giving her space to think.

Jones, might say this as a concerned person but who bad mouths their own boss's name? Shouldn't he be taking care of his mess whether personal or commercial. A butler should be loyal to his master, well, looks like Mr. Knight seriously got a bad reputation among his workers. Maybe the more she will work for him the more he will get to know his bad side.

Following Jones, she gets to know which place is where. They cross the kitchen, the gaming room where a large pool table is situated. Then, passing a long hallway there, situated a cozy room. Not too big, not too small. An adequate size room with every necessity present.

"This is it, make yourself comfortable Stella." He smiles at her before putting down her luggage on the floor. "Now, let me have my departure."

Just as he was about to exit her room, she caught his arm which caught him by surprise. A playful grin appears on his lips but her eyes totally seem to dismiss it.

"You don't seem to let me go that easily, do you?" He says cockily.

She rolls her eyes at him, "I don't really like to flatter men, they always put me in trouble."

"Then what do I owe this pleasure for?" He smirks at her while pointing at her hand which is in tacked with his arm.

Upon showing she removes it immediately, "look, I just want to know what happened with the other maid?"

He sighs, "she committed suicide."

She asks as her heart hammers in her chest in sudden anticipation, "but why?"

He shakes his head in disbelief. "Are you really that oblivious to the world? Don't you see news?" He grabs her shoulder and stares straight into her eyes, "he fucking raped her, he was drunk, he was high; he saw her as an easy prey and did his sin."

She gulps her lump as her throat dries but why doesn't her heart agree with this? Looking back at him she asks, "where were you that time when all these happened?"

He looks taken aback with her sudden interrogative tone, "what do you mean by that?"

"You live with Ezra, don't you?"

"I don't live with Mr. Knight. He gave me an apartment to live with my family downstairs though. But the night when the incident happened, I did not see him." He steps back saying and lets out a breath of exhaustion, "Stella, be careful around him and keep your door locked if possible."

She retorts, "I saw the news too, the forensic report says there were no handprints of Ezra's on her body."

He lets out a humorless chuckle, "do you really believe that shit? Ezra Knight is a rich bastard and money can buy anything, even anyone." Saying that he left her but not before turning back to inform, "Georgina, used to live here too, in this room. Make sure, you don't turn out as the next prey."

Just as Jones walked away from the hallway she ran towards the door and locked it. Leaning her back against the door, she releases her compressed fear by heavy exhaling.

"Oh lord." She hopes coming here doesn't turn out as another mistake.

Escaped from one devil's cave but did she stumble into another devil's cave?