Family Dinner

Ezra calls the penthouse telephone to check on Scarlett, as she didn't receive any of his calls. Thinking she might be preparing for the dinner. "God." He sighs yet another time in a day because of exhaustion.

The phone gets picked up. "Finally." He says, "Stella, where were you? I have been calling your cell for a very long time, I was so worried about you."

There were shifting sounds coming from the phone. He heard a sigh which sounded unpleasant. He frowns when he hears his mother's voice replying to him instead of Stella. "Good evening Son, are you arriving home now?"

Ezra takes a moment to himself before replying back to his mother. "Mom, I didn't expect you to arrive so early."

"Me neither but I wanted to cook today's dinner on my own just like we all used to have, remember?"