Cry on me... my love.

Scarlett sat on the backseat of the car and tried to think positive as they both were taking a long time. Ezra and his driver, coming back with the two heavy shopping bags she shopped. 

Ezra was being assisted carefully by his driver, both were having a certain understanding and soon they both sat in front, neglecting her. 

She doesn't mind the driver ignoring her presence. Plus, that's the guy who said the thing about Ferdinand and her being more than colleagues. 

"Rude!" Scarlett mumbled glaring at him as he was telling the driver to drive slowly. 

"Scarlett, everything's okay?" His voice is now more gentle than how they used to be back then. There was sincerity, love and concern in it that touched her heart but still she can't ignore how he is now sitting with his driver instead of his girl.