Home Sweet Home

Scarlett knocks on the window startling Robert who was sitting inside the car waiting for them. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Scarlett says with an apologetic smile.

Robert immediately gets out of the car and curtly nods at Ezra and her. "I'm so sorry, I accidentally slept."

Scarlett shakes her head, "it's okay, you were probably bored anyway. It's understandable, right Ezra?"

Robert bows down to Ezra, "I'm extremely sorry for sleeping, Sir, I won't ever do it again."

Scarlett turned to face Ezra, "you are really not going to be mad at him for something like this right?"

Ezra looks down at her, "do I look like a monster to you? Why would I be angry at him when he is on duty?"

Robert caught on the sarcasm Ezra intended to say but Scarlett didn't understand that. She smiled at Robert back, "see? I told you, it's not a big deal. Don't be so cautious around us."