She Blacked Out (Trigger Warning)

She turned to Ezra and with a serious tone she said, "I would like to have this session only with Scarlett today, you will have to leave Mr. Knight."

Scarlett jumped out of the chair and gasped, "what?"

Dr. Neena smiled apologetically at her. "Sorry Scarlett, you won't be having him in our session today."

Ezra wanted to say a lot of things… a few things were even on the tip of his tongue but he stayed quiet. Also because she's a lady and that's why he can't argue with her on this. It's okay he can trust this doctor. He did his research on her, Dr. Neena is very popular among not just elites but also for helping every person with any status. 

He believes if any one can heal Scarlett, then it's Dr. Neena. So he turned to Scarlett and cupped her cheek, "it's going to be okay, you don't have to worry about anything. Just talk and if you feel any kind of discomfort then call me okay?"