Can We Please Move On?

"Shit!" Robert cursed out loud. The crowd shrieked again and got even more chaotic. "We have to get to the emergency gate anyhow Boss."

"Robert, leave me here… I don't think I can make it out with this condition." Ezra says as he could feel his vision getting blurry.

Robert chuckles softly, "don't you remember my history? When you hired me, I told you everything about me, didn't I?"

Ezra closed his eyes, this time he absolutely saw mist in front of his eyes. "I remember everything Robert and that's why I need you to go. You need a second chance in your life, if you die here then there will be no more chances to redeem your guilt."

"You are wrong Boss, this, right here, is my second chance." He says lifting Ezra's arms on his shoulders. "This is how I'll redeem my past mistakes by saving your life."