The Women Of Elite Society

Scarlett walked inside the large house, her eyes bouncing from one artefact to another. Elaine really did well with the decorations for the house. It's almost hard to believe that this is someone's home and not a palace.

"You are ogling at my house too much." Elaine said sipping on her tea.

Scarlett took a deep breath before walking to the living room and sat on the opposite side of the couch. "Your home is pretty."

"Do you want it?" She asked.

Scarlett gasped out loud, "what? What do you mean, why would I want your home?"

Elaine raised her eyebrows at her in question, "I was talking about the tea." Scarlett's eyes widened as the realization dawns on her. "It's funny that you thought I would give you away my home."

She shook her head, "I didn't exactly expected that either," she says, "I was wondering if you were taking a test…"