Happy Morning

Placing me on his bed, I could feel the soft silk sheets already withering against my palms as I tightly clutch it against my fist. The anticipation of finally losing myself to the man standing in front of me, is the only thing that matters to me now and I'm ready for anything he is willing to give me tonight, right this moment; our moment.

"Are you nervous?" He asks softly.

"Am I? Pfft." I roll my eyes at him playfully. The act of trying to look cool and not nervous as hell went in vain when he kneels down in front of me and places his thumb on my lips while asking.

"Do I make you feel nervous?" He carefully grazes his fingers over the pulsing nerve right below my ears. I could feel how my heart fluttered whenever his touch fell on my skin. Taking a deep shaky breath, I admit before nodding at him.

"A little."