Bonus Chapter

The cafe bustled with people in a rush to grab their drinks before starting their day. Sarah sat at the farthest table and her expression blank as she observed the crowd. Suddenly, her friend Weyna arrived, breathless and flustered.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she panted. "It's just Damien…he insists on following me, but he's taking forever to get ready." Damien stood next to Weyna with a big smile on his face.

Sarah gave him a polite nod before turning her attention back to her friend. She smiled, the awkward one as she looked at her one and only best friend, Weyna. Being friends since kindergarten, their friendship had lasted until this moment. "It's okay," Sarah said. "I'm just glad you're here."

"How are you?" Weyna asked, happy to see Sarah again after a week. Yes, it had only been a week, but they used to see each other much more frequently before. However, since Sarah had been dealing with her court matter, she had started to isolate herself more.