One: Never the one

Latham headed out of the building when the dark storms rumble overhead. The rain started pouring down heavily.

He stood under the rain teary-eyed. He sprints away as fast as he could, he was wet and his clothes were sticking to his body. He didn't want to think about anything at that moment.

Every fiber in his body was tearing apart. His heart breaking into a million little pieces. A gust of winds blows past and he suddenly shivers as his cold, wet clothes stick to him.

It was dark outside and the streets were clear. There weren't any people walking around the roads, it felt as empty as his heart.

He got down on his knees holding on to his heart. The part of his chest that was aching. It was drowning him.

He walked on the road, without a destination in mind. Tears clouded his visage making it hard to make out where he was. He only knew that he had to get away.

Away from that building, from his life and all the drama that was going on. His heart was screaming for the pain to stop.

Tears flowed down his cheeks, evidence of the broken pieces deep inside his chest. The light was fading from his eyes, everything that he held dear to him had fallen apart right before his eyes and he was helpless to stop it.

What hurts him the most was the fact that he had given his all in everything only to see that it wasn't enough. He wished that everything would just hit stop.

He would stop breathing even if just for a minute and all his problems would disappear. He would be free, that is what he wanted.

Anything would be better than the reality that he was living in. He could feel stuffy in his chest, the feeling of being betrayed, hurt, and used was knocking at his heart.

The rain kept pouring, getting heavier and heavier with every passing second. But he didn't care, his life was over. There was nothing left to do and no way to pick up the pieces of his life.

He shed tears silently in the rain. It was even better than it was raining as it meant that no one could see him cry. But he didn't dare to let out any noise, he didn't want anyone to know how broken he was.

People understood his smile, his joy and happiness and no one took the time to see his tears. No one cared enough to wipe his tears away for him and it pained him.

The people in his life were harsh and his heart had a scar from every single person that he knew. All they knew how to do is to hurt him and act like he was made of steel. They would then give him useless sappy apologies and pretend like what they did wasn't a big deal.

Latham was tired. He had lived, he had loved and he had been hurt. Way too many times that he had lost count, of the many times that he had been disappointed.

He had one flaw. He overloved everyone that walked into his life. He overrated his place in their hearts and they ended up hurting more each time.

As he made his way down the road, he halted and stared into the distance. "I'm sorry," the words echoed in the air around him.

He had no idea how many times he had heard that word. Yet, the people never bothered to lift a finger to stop him when he made move to walk away. He was always so terrified to lose everyone that was in his life however they weren't at all fearful of losing him.

There was no one that he could name that would miss him if he were to leave. They would notice his absence as they rely on him to cling to them like a broken record but other than the things they needed to use him for, no one would care.

This fact but his heart broke the pieces of his heart into more pieces. He wondered what it would be like to be someone important, to be someone that everyone wanted, to be surrounded by people who were willing to do anything just for a glance from him.

He had given so much love and received only pain in return. Yet he still found that he wished that they would care about him. It hurt to be alone when he was surrounded by so many people.

His mind drifted off to his dreams. He dreamt of being the center of attention. Having everyone fight to be able to stand by his side. To have so much power that he wouldn't have to feel alone and desperately yearn for love from the people around him.

He stepped forward lost in his thoughts, the tears flowed from his eyes at how sad his life was. He was always the one that ended up crying in the rain. Always the one who was never the one, they only looked at him when things went wrong in their lives and after that, they cast him aside like expired goods.

"I don't want to have an expiry date," he said sadly in a pained voice. "I wish that I could be the one," he wished.

He sauntered forward keeping his vision of the life he wanted in his sight. He reached out his hand in the air, trying to grasp at the image he formed in his mind, the illusion that he created.

He struggled to reach for the illusion, the more he moved forward the more it was also moving away.

"Even you don't want me," he cried out.


Latham felt something hit him, he was thrown off the road, and he was flung from the middle of the road to the building across the street. His body hit the ground with a thud.

He could the pain in every inch of his body. It hurt. Nothing compared to the pain in his chest, he closed his eyes, the tears mixing with the rain and falling down his sides.

He was tired and emotionally drained. He didn't try to get up or care about what hit him. He was alright lying there and letting everything in the world move without him, slowly he started fading away.

He was losing the touch of his senses. Latham couldn't feel any part of his body, he couldn't feel his body, and the pain was withering away.

His eyes remained open, he stared at the sky. The rainwater hit his eyes and drenched him. His blood mixing with the water creates a metallic smell around him.

'You swore you would never hurt me, but..' He thought before everything went blank.