Three: Almost dying

Latham woke up at the same time that the sun was setting, he slowly got up from the bed and opened his eyes.

Everything around him was pitch black and it took him a few minutes to adjust to the darkness. He felt refreshed and energized after his nap, the soreness in his body from before was gone. He got up and stretched his muscles before he sat back down on the bed.

'I had the weirdest dream ever. There was a flying man in a white robe above me and a talking fox that called me master.' He thought to himself as he sat in the room.

He got up and walked towards the door and bumped into the chair. "Owch!" he yelled in pain.

"Who placed a chair in my room?" He asked no one in particular. He kept walking and bumped his foot and the wall, "O my goodness!" he cried as he clutched his foot. He searched the wall for the light switch but couldn't get it.

"Where the heck is it." he cursed and continued searching for the switch. He got tired and sat down on the ground and cursed his luck.

"Are you looking for something," he heard a cute voice ask him inside the darkroom.

"Who is there?" he inquired his blood going cold from fear.

"It is me, master," replied the cute voice. He pinched himself very painfully and yelped loudly.

'This is not a dream,' he noted and got back to the situation at hand. If he wasn't dreaming then everything that happened to him earlier was all true and if so then where the hell was he.

Fear clawed through him at the thought of the man in white robes. He got up from the floor and found the door before running out.

Latham ran as far as his feeble legs could take him, he had no idea where he was going all he knew was that he had to get out of there. He ran so fast and left the house after passing so many doors and rooms.

He ran past the security guards in such a hurry that he didn't see him. He kept running without looking back hoping in his heart that he will find himself back to civilization by the time he stops. The thought of that talking fox gave him the courage to run further.

Latham ran for a very long distance that he grew tired and stopped to rest. He leaned at the tree behind him and caught his breath, his heart was burning so much.

He inhaled and exhaled so much until he felt that he was okay. He took in her surroundings and his heart tightened with fear. He was standing in the middle of nowhere with trees in each direction he turned. If he didn't know better he would have thought that he was dreaming about being in the forest at night but it wasn't a dream.

Latham heard a tree branch breaking and turned his head in that direction. His heart pounded so fast in his chest and he froze.

He regretted his decision of running out of wherever he had woken up to because now he had dug his own grave. He saw glowing eyes in the dark, not one or two but many eyes dark. He was not one to wait around to find out if those were special effects of a movie.

Latham got to his feet and started running again this time in the direction opposite the glowing eyes that were also following him. He ran so fast and reached a clearing where the light of the moon shined and the light eliminated the darkness from earlier.

He could now see clearly what it was that was following him, he turned around, and what she saw almost sent him to the land of the dead. Behind him were blue wolves with red eyes that were the size of an elephant.

The whole pack was running after him to make him their dinner. He increased his speed and ran even faster, there was no way he was going to become dinner for the hungry wolves. 'Who in their right mind increased the size of these vicious creatures!' He screamed in his mind as he ran.

He was getting tired and there was no way he was going to outrun those evil things. He needed water so that they won't be able to track him without his scent. He kept praying for a water source of any kind as he runs and just then he heard a waterfall at a distance.

Latham ran towards it and when he got there he didn't hesitate to jump in. The water was cold but he didn't mind as long as he didn't become dinner for the hungry wolves.

He sighed in relief and relaxed for a while, his whole body was aching from all the running he was doing. He closed his eyes and allowed the magic of the cold water to do its job by making numb his pain.

He was enjoying the cold water when he felt something zap him in the water, he opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings carefully. He saw something moving in the water and his body tensed.

The fear for survival returned and he started moving. He swam as fast as he could but could feel whatever creature that was in the water following. He swam faster and faster but he was already tired so he had no idea what to do.

The creature was black with shining white lights on its body and every time it moved electric waves got released into the water.

If he doesn't die from being eaten then she will die from electric shock. Latham understood one thing about the land that he has found himself in. It was not a place for him to move around without caution and it was reckless of him to leave the house like that.

His energy was running out and he wanted to give up but then he heard whistling in the distance. It sounded not far away and he swam towards the sound.

He saw a man in white fishing and went in his direction, the newfound hope pushed him to go even faster. He screamed for his help and kept swimming onwards.

The man looked in his direction and saw him struggling to reach him, the man also saw the sea monster chasing after Latham and knew he had to do something. He turned around and sat down in his direction and watched as he swam.

The man smiled at his speed and encouraged the creature to swim faster or it will miss its dinner. He cheered for both of them and clapped occasionally.

Latham could not believe the nerve of that man, he was busy fighting for his life and he is cheering like a fan at a football arena. He was fuming with anger and was not going to spare that man.

He swam even faster to get to him and kill the man for taking pleasure in seeing him suffer. He reached the man's boat and reached out his hand for the man to help him up but he just sat there watching him.

He bite his lower lip and pulled himself up and onto the boat just in time to escape the creature that had his mouth opened to swallow him.

Latham sat down to catch his breath before he commits murder. Twice tonight he almost died in this godforsaken place and he was furious.

Once he calmed down he got up and stood in front of the man who got himself a VIP ticket to watch his misery. He glared at him however the man got up to congratulate him on his victory when he pushed him into the water.

Latham started laughing at the man and he got off the water and boarded the boat. He kept laughing at the man's wet appearance and he raised his head to look at him and Latham froze.

It wasn't the kind of freeze he had earlier but a different kind of freeze. Even in the dark, he could see how gorgeous he looked.

He was even more beautiful than all those kdrama actresses he saw on television. The moonlight made him appear like a character described in a fairy tale book.

His soft piercing eyes staring directly into Latham's soul, his perfect sharp nose, long waist-length gray hair that shined under the moon and his pink thin lips that were dripping water looked so alluring.

Latham was barely able to breathe after seeing the appearance of the man and cursed his luck. He has lived his twenty years in the past being single when there was such beauty somewhere in the world.

He swallowed hard and kept staring at the angel in front of him. The man didn't mind him staring at all, he took his fishing rod and went back to what he was doing. His hair and clothes dried the minute he sat down.

"You know that you have a spirit animal right? You could have called its name and it would have appeared to save you," he said in a notch above a whisper.

Hearing what he said brought Latham back to his senses, "How did you know that I have a spirit animal?" he asked becoming suspicious of the beautiful man.

"The glowing mark on your back asking you to call your spirit animal when you were in danger gave an idiot like me a hint," he said with sarcasm making Latham feel stupid but in his defense, he didn't know.