(Friday the 15th of August)

Maryam's POV.

"Maryam" I heard a loud voice call to me not knowing where the voice was coming from I decided to answer anyway.

"Yes," I whispered as my enter body was shaking out of fear.

"Maryam" finally I got a good sound of where the voice was coming from and it was from behind, I turned but there was nothing there or maybe I couldn't see anything because the room was already pitch black and I was not with my glasses.

"Maryam" I heard the voice and this time it was of a familiar person.

"Mom," I said as I looked back waiting to hear something else from her but the room was unexplainably silent maybe it was because of the way I called her name or what.

"Mom," I said as I waited for her to come but it was not bringing any result.

"Mom" I decided to call out again but before I could even finish pronouncing I heard a loud smashing sound on my head, seems like I was in a hut with a.. a.. a.

"Maryam, wake up what is wrong with you?" Divine said as she continued to shake me.

"What" I replied as I struggled to sit up

"Why must you start every day with a nightmare?" She asked

"What are you doing in my room by this time of the day?" I asked

"What time is it?" I added

"Well I came to check up on you and thank God I did secondly please stop talking you should rest," she said as she pats me on the back.

"What time is it?" I said as I yawned it mustn't be that deep into the night because if it was I wouldn't be so sleepy and tired again how did I get here?  How come it is the night I don't remember any of this honestly. 

"It is past midnight," she said so casually as if nothing was wrong, what is she doing in my room at this time of the day I need answers.

"So what are you doing? don't you sleep?" I asked curiously because things are not making sense ever since I came home I have trusted her but she keeps on scaring me more and more making me question my gut instincts but I have started to feel as if I was wrong in the first place.

"I just came to check up on you, that's all," she said with an innocent look on her face, why do I trust her so much even if I hardly know her?

"am sorry" she added before I could even finish thinking.

"It's okay I guess but you have to tell me why I should not take the injection mom is trying to give to me first?" I asked the question out of the blue but I was thinking about it anyway so why not.

"Oh Maryam you would have to trust me on this one I can't tell you right now but with time my dear toy would find out maybe I would tell you or you would figure it out for yourself,"  she said as she stood up seems like I irritated her or something.

"I would be leaving now" she added as she headed for the door.

"I do trust you I just need a reason to, I don't know who is who and am lost I would love to know that I can trust you," I said in a low scared voice I don't know what but this was coming from a deep part of my heart.

"darling," she said as she came closer to me bending down to my eye level making our eyes lock.

"you can always trust me, and if you don't just make sure you follow your heart," she said as she held my hands and placed them both on her heart.

"Trust me," she said again this time she dropped my hands back and left the room without saying anything else.

well I do want to trust her but I don't know, 'yawn' I yawned as I decided to sleep on it and go with the flow of things tomorrow, whatever happens, would happen as usual besides how would I know who wants the best for me if she is just trying to prevent me from taking the treatment mom is paying extra for.

"who knows maybe tomorrow would explain everything" I muttered as I lay down on my bed as began to move to try to find the perfect sleeping position.

I don't want to deal with all this drama today, I'll do it tomorrow I said as I began to disintegrate into tiny pieces as I exited the real world to the dream multiverse. 

"yawn" I muttered as I raised both hands upwards stretching my body as I bent forward.

"Wow, that was a nice sleep and an even nicer stretch," I said as I picked up my glasses from under my pillow, I used my dirty hands to wipe them off before putting them on.

I was up early today and this was the first time, I quickly moved my legs and honestly I was pretty shocked at how much improvement I have gotten in less than a week at this rate I would be running in no time.

I managed to take a few steps before taking a break as I sat down on the floor my legs began to shake a little it seems like there was no damage done to them at all unlike what the nurse said, she even went overboard by saying it would be hard for me to recover from all of this and it might take years before I can be able to walk again.

"Good morning ma" I heard divine say as she walked in turned around to look at her and she was carrying my laundry didn't even know she was with them.

"Morning" I replied

"Up already, nice," she said as she moved over to my bed to get the sheets changed, she looked so unbothered and very relaxed as if it wasn't just this morning.