(Tuesday the 20th of August)

Maryam's POV.

"Huh" I began to cough as I fell to the ground Divine touched me bringing me back to reality.

"What is wrong with you today?" She asked as she tried to help me up the floor I looked around and saw a peek at the letter I had just written I did not want Divine to see that especially now that I already told her little information about what I dreamt about.

"Please help me with water," I said as I tried to get her away from my room so that I would be able to get the letter and hide it somewhere.

"Okay," she said as she left me on the floor leaving my room.

"That was close" I cleared my throat as I stood up and pick the paper.

"Now where can I hide this?" I questioned myself as I began to look around the room and something caught my attention, it was a painting and for some reason, it looks oddly familiar "wait" it looks like the same one I just saw when I was in my trans-state could this be it, are my memories coming back.

"No" a voice in my head stopped me from moving towards that direction because who knows Divine can be here any minute, besides the painting looks too dusty and filthy for something that would be holding so many secrets.

"Why are you looking at that painting? did you remember something?" She asked as she brought me the water.

"No," I said with my voice shaking "I just noticed it right now and it looks beautiful," I said as it was beautiful and I just noticed it and the other paintings right now so there is no lie in this just hidden truth.

"I see" she handed the water over to me.

"Who owned it?" I asked her as I began to take large chunks of water down my throat I did ask for the water to get her out of here but turns out I was dehydrated myself.

"Well I don't know much about the painting but I knew you loved it so much, you did not even allow anyone to touch it and you always cleaned it yourself," she said.

"Oh, that explains the dirt it had all over it" I taught to myself as I returned the empty cup to her.

"Okay, I can see why I cherish it, it is a masterpiece," I said as I began walking towards the bathroom I squeezed the piece of paper in my hand.

"I would be waiting for you out here," she said as she sat down on my bed.

Maybe I should just keep this in my dresser the same place where I kept the picture book and when I came back I can hide them both somewhere every secret and where I am the only one that knows about it.

I took a quick shower but I couldn't help but notice the bruise I had on my entire body there were more on my legs, and I could see a lot of lines that looked like marks from a cane or hard object, was I abused when I was held captive? These scares don't look like ones you get except someone gave them to you my inflicting pain on you.

I made sure that I was quick as I did not want her to suspect a thing I figured she would be doing the laundry very soon so I could not leave the paper with my dirty clothes I picked it up and went into the dresser with it, I quickly dropped it inside a dresses pocket as j let out a soft of relief before I began dressing for the occasion.

I don't know why but I can't seem to get my mind off the picture that was hung on the wall I want to know what was in it or hidden in it I want to know.

"Let's go" I stood in shock as I saw Divine looking around the picture as if she knew something was in it, she was moving her hands around the far corner trying to look for open space or so.

"Your done," she said as her voice shrunk and I could barely hear her, seems like she did not know I was going to be fast about it.

"Yes, what are you doing?" I looked away from the picture frame as I did not want her suspicion of it to grow stronger I acted casual as if it was just a random picture of a valley.

"Oh I wanted to keep it clean," she said which was an obvious lie I never taught she did not believe me but that's not something I should be worried about but the fact that she was searching for it right now was wrong and also how daft does she think I am, cleaning the portrait with her hands how irritating.

"Oh you said I don't like people touching the painting though, so no need to worry let it stay dusty when I get my memories back I would do the cleaning myself but for now I think we should let it be," I said as I began to walk out of the room as if I was fine even if my heart was racing as I wasn't sure if she believes me or not, but either way I just have to get whatever is in the portrait before she does.

"Okay," she said as she began to follow me out of the room.

"Huh" I sighed as I tried to make my heart drop pounding so that she won't suspect a thing, at least I was able to get her out of the room I would try my best to look for whatever that is in that painting before tomorrow so I think that is enough time for me to get the content of the picture that is if there is anything inside right and not my mind playing tricks on me.