A heart wrenching story

I still remember vividly, i was engrossed in my work, busy talking to international customer as i used to work in BPO, in leisure time when i plonked on couch for having rest, my mobile beeped singalling someone's texting me on Facebook. i opened up textbox there was a message from a girl whom i took for a boy as i thought that to be the mischievous act of one of my friends who might be playing a prank on me that day. Her first message was "hi i like you", that really made me suspicious of that person i kept on replying "thank you" but she was adamant to talk to me i asked her to call me. Initially she vacillated but called me, now it was confirmed that she was really a girl but not from any of my aquiantance. She talked to me in a very frankly manner as if i had been known to her for a long time. i had very nice conversation with her with full of witty remarks and humor. We continued talking for many days and we decided randazvous for our first meeting that was not other than rose garden in kurukshetra university. As i was busy that day but i spared sometime to meet her, i called my friend to accompany me, he readily agreed.I picked up my car and went to kurukshetra university. She was standing at the entrance point of Drohar. However i had never seen her earlier but i managed to recognize her before disembarking from my car. I got down and moved towards her. When i met her, her face was ladden with lots of make up that i didn't like at first glance. i forwarded my hand for hand shake as ritual demands when we meet someone. My friend who accompanied me to her went with my car and i started perambulating by her side towards rose garden then my sight fell on her feet she was staggering i thought she was wounded in her leg when i asked her about the same she replied in affirmative. We went into the rose garden and had a tete a tete on day to day routine.. Our first meeting lasted for 2 hours.. She cried when she told me about her personal life and i felt pity on her, seeing her crying , became dejected too. when i went towards my car after bidding her farewell, promising her to meet her soon... i moved backward to see her once again before sitting in my car she was still sobbing thay really made me reluctant to go but i had no choice because i had some work pending.. later i came to know about her physical impairment that she fell victim to because of a doctor's negligence. Two days passed smoothly, again my phone rung but this time it was a boy who seemed to be furious,and asked me a number of question, i thought he had mistaken me for someone else ,and asked him whom he wanted to talk to . I was startled when he said "i want to talk to a boy who met my girlfriend in rose garden" . I didn't even know that she had a boyfriend a fact she didn't reveal me for unknown reason by then. That boy was really possessive about her and he threatened me not to meet her and call her again. I explained him all the situation and he agreed what i told him and i assured him not to call her again as my conscience didn't allow me to talk to a girl who lied to me, apart from it there was no point to get stuck in trivial scuffle just for a girl whom i didn't even know. I resumed my daily routine for meanwhile i again recieved a call this time was same girl initially i was unwilling to talk to her but she wanted to talk to me for sometime, i thought that to be morally right to talk to her for sometime. what surprised me was the fact that she started crying and wanted my help to get rid of that boy. I was shocked to listen to that. At being asked, she said that she was not happy with that boy because he kept tormenting her mentally and that boy belonged to different religion than hers that was another thing she told me about that boy. I felt dejected at her pitiable circumstances and a sense of heroism woke up in me to help a girl stuck in pathetic circumstances. I asked her to get that boy to meet me and next day she arranged a meeting between that boy and me. All of us ( that girl, boy and I) met in rose garden, the boy came riding a pulsar bike, with dark complexion and skinny body. That girl had already arrived at the entrance of rose garden as her hostel was in proximity to rose garden. He arrived and asked that girl to sit on her bike however she resisted she didn't want to sit her on his bike. I was also confused what that boy was going to do but i decided to see what he wanted to do. I was also there with my bike. I comforted that girl and asked her to sit on his bike. He drove that bike to the other entrance of rose garden, i walked to that entrance leaving my bike at first entrance of the garden. That act of boy was nothing more than demonstration of possessive nature towards that girl however that act didn't bother me in anyway as i was there to help her and persuade that boy to take his step back because that girl didn't want to be with him anymore. But when that boy came to know i was there not to meet that boy for friendly purpose but to convince him to leave that girl because they have no future, listening to this he got infuriated and i thought he would get involved in scuffle with me for which i was ready too. But what he did, was beyond my imagination, he started crying bitterly and told me that he had been in relationship with that girl for 6 years and it was not possible for him to think of any other girl in his life. I was shocked and my mind put many questions in front me that how can a boy cry for a girl who is physically impaired and not very attractive. As anyone with some sense of spiritualistic understanding can easily understand that his love for that girl was beyond corporeal beauty. I felt pity on that boy but still tried to persuade him because that girl was no longer wanted to continue her relationship with him for reason known to GOD only. She also tried to convince him to end up their relationship and be friend for the rest of life but of no use. Besides that, my all advice fell flat on him. He was not ready to budge finally we decided to meet some other day as it was getting dark. I asked that boy to ride that girl to hostel both of them left for hostel and i left for my home. i reached my home at 7 o'clock in the evening and thought of calling to that girl to confirm if she had reached her hostel. Again a horrible moment was waiting for me, this time, she didn't pick up my call, i kept calling her at last my phone was picked up this time it was the voice of that boy i was shocked and asked him about the whereabout of that girl.

He said " i have her phone today i will return her phone back tomorrow" , but this was something difficult to digest for me as clock had already struck 7 and it was not possible for that girl to go back to her hostel as entry was forbidden after 6.30 pm. i threatened him to get an FIR registered against him. I presumed that he must have tortured that girl , would have forced her to accompany him. Listening to all this conversation, Suddenly that girl wrested phone from his hand and started talking to me in a very frankly manner as if everything was right there. She also added another unacceptable statement that she was going to attend a marriage party with him, on being asked about her stay at night she said we would be staying at their friend's home. Having listened to all these baseless claim, i made up mind to meet them immediately. Both of them reluctantly agreed. I met them near Panorma. They were looking at me anxiously when i reached there , i further asked them to tell me the truth. All these my question just enraged that boy who took me as trespasser in their relationship and his pent up emotions brust, revealing me all the fact truth that they were going to spend a night together and what profoundly disturbing for me was the fact that they were going to spend night together with that girl's consent. Getting acquainted with all those fact was no less than unpredictable perturbation in my life. I was thinking of myself as intruder who was just trying to to interfere in their life unknowingly. I finally decided to leave them on their circumstances and never to come back in their life again. When i was about to leave that girl started weeping inconsolably. It was indeed very distressing and confusing moment of my life. i couldn't make out what was unfolding in front of me but from her crying it was clear that she didn't want to lose me. She wanted to leave that boy. But i was angry with her too. Because she didn't tell me all those facts previously. She might have thought that i would leave her if i came to know about her past life. At that point of time i was upset and asked her to go with him. She was crying bitterly and not ready to yield. She just wanted to come with me and it was not possible for me to take her anywhere. I left that place and she sat on her bike and went away with him. I was upset at all those event i couldn't sleep that night, i kept thinking about her and her weeping countenance kept coming in my mind. In morning, i received her call by 10 am. She was in her hostel by then. She again tried to convince me that they went to marriage party and wanted my help to get rid of that boy. That was something ridiculous whatever was unfolding. She kept on insisting me to help her, but my conscience was resisting me to interfere in their relationship. On being requested repeatedly, i finally made up my mind to help her in anyway. I met that girl again and asked her to change her number, i bought him a new sim and called that boy never try to meet her again. He was shocked and he must have called her but when he found the number of that girl switched off, he called me and asked me to meet him, i readily agreed to meet him. When i met him, he started crying again, it was first time in my life i was seeing a boy cry bitterly just because of a girl that really made me feel pity on him but my musculine valour overshadowed my compassionate heart and i didn't relent. He admonished me that he would commit suicide at that point i vacillated a bit but i remained adamant not to make him talk her. He again started his long excruciating anecdotes about their past that how happily they lived together he told me that they were in relationships for the last 6 years during that period that girl also had undergone abortion for two times. All those fact were really disquieting for me. But now i became a bit polite towards him and advised him to forget her and move on but he was inconsolable. On the other hand that girl was not ready to resume her life with him in anyway. She didn't even want to stay in touch with him. That all scenario made me conclude that the boy must have traumatized her mentally and physically that could only be the reason that she was not ready to stay with him at any cost. When that boy was bidding me farewell however that unpleasant.. this were his words..( You won't be happy with her and she would leave you too one day), and he went away from there that was the last time i met him and i had never seen him since then .

After this, a new love story begins that is of her and mine. Going thorough all those scenerio kept haunting me for many days but i didn't make her realize what i was going through. Now she wanted to live with me. I unwillingly decided to give it a chance. Forgetting all those unpleasant moments we commenced our journey. I thought that i would make her my best friend and stay in contact with her for the rest of my life but what happened later was something unpredictable. I couldn't even realize when our friendship turned into something inevitable part of my life.This was the first time in my life when i entered into relationships with a girl. We started meeting almost everyday and i became used to of meeting her. I didn't use to earn alot at that time still i would set aside some portion of my salary for her every month and she wasn't even aware of that, rest of my salary i would hand over to my parents. I had some financial problem that time as every newly graduate student has to face some financial constraints and it was not possible for me to take support from my parents because my conscience didn't allow me to become a burden on my parents who had already made many sacrifice for me. A few day had passed when she told her mother about me and she also made her mother talk to me. Surprisingly that was not an unusual conversation but related to marriage. It was apparent from her mother conversation that she was agree to get her daughter to marry me but there was some problem her father was needed to be persuaded and her mother assured me that she would talk to her husband about it. All these things were sufficient enough to prove the loyalty of that girl for me. Now i also didn't want to lose a girl who was much too loyal for me. There were number of other problems waiting for me. This time my family, i didn't dare to talk to my parents about her because i thought they would never agree for that girl due to her physical impairment. So we put the matter of our marriage in limbo and started focusing on career. I made a plan to crack a govt job exam and then convince my parents for her.It was the only way to convince parents easily for our matrimonial alliance. But ,as we all are well acquainted with the fact that making career in india is like a tight rope walk and a person has to exert himself for many year for being financially independent. Being a good at English, I started teaching in an IELTS coaching center and she was promoted to her final year of B.tech. It was the time for summer training a periodic exercise for all the students of final year students. I got her admitted in a coaching center near Mohan Nagar where she started her training related to some software. I would get up everyday and get ready to pick her before she reached at local bus stand. I would drop her to her coaching center. After finishing her coaching classes she would come to my IELTS center where i used to teach and we would spend time together and that scenario continued for many months till she resumed her final year of graduation. When she came back to hostel after completion of summer vacation we again used to meet frequently. Sometime we would sit in rose garden besides this Bawa fast food was our favorite eating hub. Now that was the time of my birthday, I remember categorically that she was wearing white frok with beautiful embroidery, i was surprised when she gave me seven gifts. Nobody in my life had ever celebrated my birthday like that and gave me gifts on my birthday. That act of hers took me closer to her. Because i was never made to feel important for someone in that way. We spent some time together at different renowed places of kuruskhetra. At the end of the day i dropped her at her hostel gate. She was really happy that day. When i reached home, i was immediately interrupted by father who asked me about the girl whom i was roaming with. Someone of my father's aquaintance had seen me with her in the market. My father also told me in a very light hearted manner that the girl was limping that was the another thing informed to my father about her . I was a bit irked and shy and didn't reply him and went into my room. And with the passage of time both of us fell in profound love for each other. I remember an occasion, where she had to go to Ambala to fetch her diploma degree from Amabala college. I got early in morning that day drove my car straight to university to pick her both us rejoiced our journey to Ambala. I met her many friends for the first time, i was delighted to meet them all. We also spend some time, in small hospital canteen where we had some snacks and kept gossiping for hours then we came back by dusk. That was my first long drive with her. There were many occasion where my friends tried to dissuade me from meeting her and most of them wanted me to get rid of her. One common thing about their opinion was nothing but her physical appearance and just because of my friends' loathful attitude that girl i distanced myself from anyone who made any slur remark about her. Beside this, if anyone who would make negative comment about her appearance i used to get furious at him. There was a moment when my sister made a absurd remark about her impairment that compelled me to throw a glass full of water at her in front of my relative. From this act of mine you can assess the level of my anger who would say anything unpleasant about her .It may be bacause I am some sort of spritualistic person who believes that all human beings are creation of Almighty GOD and we must respect GOD's creation in whatever form it may be.

When first time she came my home. She came with sunaina her friend and i was happy to have her at my residence i tried my best to offer her hospitality as good as i could. She stayed at my home for one day and then went back to university hostel. Apart from it i remember when i went to her home when i was en route to Utter Pradesh to bring my sister home for some days. I met her mother she really showered her blessing on me i was feeling blessed and my happiness knew no bounds at that moment. We had some snacks and left for Uttar Pradesh after staying at her home for an hour. There were minor altercation we used to have as every relationship goes through some sort of ups and downs.

Another indelible moment

i used to wait for my birthday every time because she would do something special for me every time. I categorically remember that when i went to meet her on my birthday, i was sure that she was ready with abundant of gifts for me. But this time she did something different for me. She gave me a small box wrapped in embellished colourful covering. when i unwrapped it, there was mobile in it that was something i had not anticipated. I was in need of new mobile and she knew it very well before i could purchase a new one she gifted me one. That was really special for me.

There were many occasion when we had ineffeceable moments during of realtionship. That are stick to my mind.

‌After taking her final year exam of B.tech, she decided to spend some time at her home for some days. A few days later she expressed her desire to go abroad that was initially shocking for me i wanted to make my career in india with her but she persuaded me that she wanted to do it for her father because it was her father dream of sending her abroad. I finally agreed but i continued my preparation for different competitive exam. She came back kuruskhetra and starting her coaching for ielts exam i helped her in every possible ways. Meanwhile i cracked Dehli police sub inspector exam and she was the first who informed me about my clearing exam at late night. From her way of expression joy it was clear that she was happy that i cracked an exam now i had to go for physical test for that exam. When my parents came to know about my exam there were delighted too. But when i told them my future plan to give up my govt. job for going abroad with that girl they got angry and threathed me of eviction. I was in dilemma now. I didn't want to loose anyone , neither that girl nor my parents. Assessing all the situation, i hatched a conspiracy, even that girl was not aware of my plan. I thought she would get disapppoined if she came to know that my parents were not willing to send me abroad after sacrificing govt. job. I decided not to go for physical exam. I left my home for physical examination test and spent my whole day in procrastinating here and there. I reached my home by evening, pretending as if i could not pass physical examination. That was the exceptional sacrifice that i made for her without her being aware of it. Now my parents were agree to send me abroad with her .She had to take ielts exam thrice before she got 6.5 band. Every time i accompanied her to patiala and different examination venues. I had to wait for four hours outside exam. Finally when she got her desired score to go abroad she was happy and propotionately i was too, may be more than her. But one stumbling block her way to abroad was her maths exam of degree that she found difficult to go through. Because she was not eligible to apply for foreign university until she got her degree. So i decided to get that exam passed in illicit way. In order to do it i contacted one of my friends who works in university and told him about that exam for which he readily agreed and he asked me thirty five thousand rupees for that work. He asked for the advance payment.I gave him 20 thousand reluctantly because it is really difficult to rely on anyone when you are giving money for some illegal work. I was not sure whether i would get my money back or not but just for her happiness and career i decided to take a chance. Meanwhile i gave another ten thousand to some other person because i want to get her passed at any cost.She was not even aware of this as well. After one month the person whom i had given 20 thousand called me and asked me to take confidential from university. I went to university reached there on time, a boy who was sent by my friend ,took me to result branch where he got her confidential results prepared in front of my eyes and he handed over that wrapped result to me i gave him 500 rupees as a reward. I could not believe that my friend has really got her passed and then he asked me for remaining payment that i gave him by evening. But i could not take my money back from the person whom i gave ten thousand rupees. He refused to give me money and i too didn't force him because i was happy to have her passed in some way. I directly went to meet that girl to give her a surprise when i showed her that confidential she was on cloud nine after seeing that confidential result. She took me to her mother again showered her benediction that i had already became used to of. I was euphoric to bring smile on her mother and her face. GOD knows i had never ever thought anything unpleasant about her. She was the part of my each and every pray that i used to perform. But i was unaware of the poision she had brewed in her heart over the trivial scuffle over the last for years. Apart from that, i had no idea what catastrophic moments were waiting for me ahead. Now it was the time of my birthday again two days after i had got her passed in her examination, that was my 4th consecutive birthday with her i was expecting all but same things that she used to do on my birthday. Both of us mutually decided to commemorate my birthday a day after next of my birth day due to some hectic schedule. I called in the morning, expecting that she would be ready by then. She picked up my call and said " i won't be able to come because my father has come today here". I was a bit surprised and that something unpredictible for me. The girl who would start making all arrangements of my birthday a month before my birthday fell, was not even ready to meet me a day after my birthday. I know she might have some genuine reason for not coming but she could have send we would meet in the eveing or next day. Contrary to all these things she said we would meet some other day without specifying any particular day that was something completley indigestible for me. Over that issue i had arguments with her that intensified to some extent. In anger i taunted her about her past that was not something i had never done before. There were number of time when in a fit of rage i did the same but we would patch up after two or three days. Our skirmishes never led to any of us to abandon each other. However i won't deny the fact that sometime we would threat each other of terminating that relationship number of times as usually happens in ever commonplace relationships.

So back to the main story, i thought she would call me a day or two days after that altercation as that had become the undefined rule of relationship. But it did not happen thus time. When i called her after two days, expecting she would be elated to recieve my call, i found her phone switched off. I became anxious because she had never turned her phone off. Compelled by emotion, i went to meet her at her center that was situated in seventeen sector where i found she had not come to the class that day. From there i went to meet her mother who was also angery with me over that altercation but she forgave me and pampered me like her son in law and she put some snacks in front of me that i devoured in a rejoicing manner because i was famished by afternoon and we had talked for hours there, where i learnt that she had gone to Dehradun on a trip with his paternal uncle brother. That was another thing that was indeed perplexing for me. How she could rejoice while i was disappointed with her. But i had no idea what she had in her mind until i asked her mother to call her and make her talk to me. Her mother called her and after listenting to her voice, i could recognise her when i she said " i don't want to talk to him and i don't want to continue this relationship anymore". Her those words chill down my spine that left indelible print in my mind even. Even today those words reverbrate in my mind. My mind was deluged with plethora of past thoughts and moments, the girl who used to force me for court marraige, the girl, in front of whom if i coughed a bit would force me to take medicine as early as possible, girl for whom i sacrificed my govt. job and ran from pillar to post to get her pass in her exam , for whom i went against my parents and brothers, the girl for i had spent four years of my life and made every effort to fulfill her dream and to keep her happy, was no longer interested to stay with me just after two days when i gave her confidential results. She changed her my in one fell swoop. My mind turned numb and i was shattered completely, i had no idea what she was doing it was not less than a nightmare for me. For the next few days i could believe on what had happend with me. Finally, she decided to meet me once she came back from dehradun. When i met her, she was like unfamiliar to me , she again behaved in a very rude manner. I was already distressed and was left inconsonable by her words. She had made her mind that she no longer wanted to be with me. What surprised me , was the fact the her mother wanted me to be with her .She even tried to convince her not to make mountains of a mole hill but she even refused to listen to her mother as well. That was more than enough to persuade me that she had indeed made up her mind to end up that relationship there. I came back my home. Being a teacher, i realised that when a person is distressed about any matter in his personal life, this profession may prove to be disastrous for a person because he would not be able to deliver to his student in a efficacious manner. Standing in front of student with myriad of excruciating thoughts of being betrayed was something like walking on smouldering embers. A month had passed but my mind was not ready to accept the bitter reality. I decided to meet her for the last time and when i asked to meet me she refused that made my blood boil. i think if someone else were there in place of me, he would have also got infuriated. But when i assured her that i would never come back in her life, she finally agreed to meet me. I reached New bus stand of the city, and kept waiting for her for an hour and i thought she would not come but she came suddenly and sat in my car. I drove my car out of bus stand and asked her the reason for what she was doing. She had no answer except ridiculous one that her father would not get ready to get her married with me. She had been in relationship with me for four year and her mother and brother were well aquainted with me. Her mother even used to consider me her son in law. I had visited her home a number of time. But she had never ever said me something like that about her father. It was not more than excuse just to get rid of me once her way to abroad was clear. It was amply clear from her face countenance that she had no answer to my question. But when i asked for her mobile she refused to give me her mobile, her that act augumented my suspicion about her being in relationships with some other boy. I kept asking for her phone and she kept refusing to hand over her phone to me. In fit of rage i wrested her mobile phone from her hand and i saw many texts from unknown number, a few seconds later her mobile automatically got locked when being asked password she again refused to tell me the password of her mobile phone, that created lots of doubt in my mind about her character. But one thing was clear from her acts that she was no longer interested to be with me. She started crying as if i had tormented her. I left her near old bus stand and brought her mobile home. Her brother came to meet me i elaborated all situations to him. He initially was convinced with me and all those facts that i explained him and he assured me that he would help me to find out what was there in her mobile.

‌When all that scenario unfolded in front of my parents, my parents initially couldn't believe that a girl like her who used to stay at our home for many days could do something like that with me. They also got angry over her, all they could do, was to advise me to move on and leave her. When these things were unrevelling infront of my eyes immediately my mind went into flashback, when two year ago a boy cursed me that you would not be happy with her and she would leave you too. The words of that boy were reverbrating in my mind and his words started getting materalised, as nobody can escape from the misdeeds of his karma. All these circumstances and my parents awere adequate enough to persuade me that everyone has to face his karma and i had fallen thr victim of my karam what i did with that boy 2 years ago. Keeping all these things in my mind, finally i decided to let the karma run its course on her as well. I decided to give up and terminate that relationship and one of my friends told me to give her mobile back. I readily agreed on her advice and went to 17 sec. to give mobile back. I had to wait there for half hour before she reached there with boy on his bike. She was wearing stylish frok with lots of make up that was unequivocal demonstration of her joy after getting rid of that relationship. I wanted to talk to her for the last time before going back from her life for ever and when i expressed my desire infront of her when she got down of the bike, she refused it again and pretending as if she were busy alot. She was hurting me with one after another act. She said to that boy who was with him " i am getting late and i don't have time to talk to anyone". Her every word that she was uttering, was sharped enough to pierce my heart multiple times. Meanwhile the boy who accompnied her jostled me that act of his, was no less than insult to injury.It was more than enough thay i could bear finally i was beside myself and in a fit of rage i fought back and that led to fisticuf between him and me. One after other distressing moments that i became used to of. One more act of that girl that really shattered my heart to pieces, when a huge crowd of people gathered, witnessing the the fight between that boy and me. Some of those crowd came forward to get us apart and tried to pacify both of us. Meanwhile that girl came and said, pointing her finger towards me, " this boy is molesting me, catch him". Believe me, My mind went numb and went into flashback that how she could stoop to such a low level that infront of a crowd she was falsely accusing me of molesting her. However nobody from the crowd touched me. I think they were sagacious enough to figure out all the scenerio. Having given her mobile, I came back my home and could not sleep for many nights. I was like a dream i was going through. Something the could never have happend, every morning would remind me that she had left you for no reason. How cruel she could be i had never that about her. I had already decided to give up and move on. With a stone heart, i swore never to see her again in my life as i promised that to my father.

In a perpetual chain of disturbing moment, one more incident was waiting for me. I got a call from Women police station after a few days of that incident. From where i came to know that she had got an FIR registered against me and i needed to be present in police station along with my father. When i called back to that boy who used to accompany her. He laughed and said," it is time of revenge. I was already under the depression and i didn't have any idea what was going to happen with me. I tried to get in touch with her but my all efforts went in vain. I called to someone who was familiar with that boy and me as well. He ( the mediator) talked to him and asked him to withdraw his FIR that he had lodged in disguise of that girl. Since the girl was doing everything whatever she was being told to do by that boy, forgetting all those four years of journey that she had spent with me. He got ready and assured me that he would take that FIR back but that did not happen. I again received a call from police station, asking me to reach police station as soon as possible. I reached there on time, what i witnessed there was beyond my imagination. This time along with that boy, she and her mother were already sitting there. I thought, they had wanted to have a last conversation with me before everything ended up.But what followed after that was contrary to my expection. Her mother who used to adore my like her son, was no longer same. I had witnessed a holistic change in her attitude towards me and she was the first one who accused me of molesting her daughter in front of a lady police officer without any reason. Then legal proceedings begun. I was accompained by my friend and a well renowed person of my village. They argued in my favour and they tried every possible method at their disposal to resolve that issue. Initially both her mother and she were unwilling to withdraw their FIR against me but at the assurance of my father and renowed person of my village they relented and got ready to do so. Some of them who were present there, must have thought that i was feeling relief after withdrawl of their application against me but all of them were oblivion to the fact that i was going through intractable agony that had left an indelible imprint in my mind. I was asked to wiped out each and every picture that i had in my mobile. How excruciating were those moment, could only be comprehended by a person who had been subjected to such a mind numbing experience. Those years of memory that i had cherished with her, were not only just pictures but all the souvenires but something that had become the indispensible part of my life, which i have nurtured over the last four years of my journey with her just to delete them in one click. Her brutal betrayal forced me in state of trauma which could only be witnessed by my soul. All the people around me resumed their life as usual, forgetting as if nothing had happened. But for next many months like a a decades with the each passing day i fell victim to many diseases that i had never faced like IBS(Irritable bowels syndrom) a stomach ailment and it was followed by depression. I lost my 8 kg weight in 6 months. Everybody who was well aquaintied with me asked the reason behind weakness which i dodged in a lighthearted manner like nothing had happened. Because i was aware of the fact that i would become the laughing butt of those people if they came to know about the reason of my weakness, they would not understand the feeling of a person like me who loved someone unconditionally without being voracious of any materialistic things and corporeal pleasure. I was also aware that most of them were wordly person for whom wealth of this world is only thing that can satiate their spurious spritualistic sense. So i never wasted my time in telling my story to people. I narrated my story to only a few people whom i deemed to be close one. Now my journey with her came to an end and last time i saw her in the market of 17 sector where i was with my friend for some work. I was sitting in my car, listening to song and suddenly she passed by, she was busy with someone over her phone i kept looking her until she walked past my car but did not call her. The girl who used to be the inalienable part of my life became a stranger to me. And with each passing day , the wounds she left me with begun to heal and with help of a closed person i managed to get rid of her memories. It took me almost an year to recuperate fully out of my horrific trauma. But now i am happy with my life. GOD has given me more than everything which i had anticipated for. She is no longer the reason of my agony, and her obscure momeries however are there in mind but do not bother me in any way. That is how life goes on. What i have learnt from her that in this ephemeral world, spritulistic values are down played by mundane sentiments. What matters for most of human being is their comfort of life, be it at the altar of someone's happiness. We human beings tend to forget that this is immortal world that have to be left one day. The only thing that would accompany us on our doom's day is our Karma not worldly possessions. But nobody realises this until he is faced with the fruits of his misdeeds.

I left everything on karma, lets karma run it course.....

Most of the reader might try to ponder over who may be that person whom i believed again despite being duped by a girl, looking at my parents, i decided to give my life a chance again. I again belived on a girl whom i had known for 2 years. I gave him each and everything what she wanted. I spent every penny of my saving on her. However i used to earn 20 thousand per month but i spent more than three lakh on her and her family in an year. Thinking she is the one who saved my life. I had never imagined even in my wild dream that she would start ignoring me. She did not support me in any way still i made myself available for her whenever she called me or asked me something. Now it had been further two years, but i kept feeling loneliness, anxiety through all these years without making her realise what she could not understand. I would keep thinking that someday i would get married with her and everything would be fine. But life does not go the way you want, it runs its own course. She kept ignoring me even when i talked to her about our marriage every time she gave me nothing more than false promises. She gave me many occusions and assured me that we would be married by this and this time but nothing happened every time when that appropriate time came she was already ready with some other excuse. I felt deceived. Now this was the time to give up. I have everything to be a successsful person. I am very closed to my govt. job. But due to the fear of being humiliated in front of my family member and society, where i defended my decision to choose her. Now i have again been selected in govt. Job and really happy about imminent life.

But i would end up saying that, Never get distracted in your life from your goal. Most of us are surrounded by state-of-art teachnological gadgets , social media sites and the most lethal one that is the your counterfiet well wisher who may astound you with their manoeuvres. It is your life, enjoy it to the full, without being bothered by the opinion of the people around you.

Living this life with the right combination of pragmatisim and spirtualism is only way to pass the time in this transitory world.

Salman Khan...