The Corpse

Emilio's muffled cries echoed in the dark forest. His hands and legs were tied together with a rope that he couldn't break easily.

"Ah~" Rosina's moan filled Emilio's ears as she had her way with him. Pleasuring herself while he suffered from both pain and pleasure.

"More, more," Rosina moaned as her hand crept over his neck, choking him. Seeing Emilio struggle to breathe with blood gushing out of his mouth enhanced her pleasure and sent tingles through her body.

Emilio's eyes rolled upwards as he lacked air to supply his body. At the same time, Rosina was reaching her climax. Her hand tightened over his neck while her hips moved faster.

"No, not yet," Rosina whispered while seeing Emilio getting closer to his deathbed, but she didn't release her hand from his neck.


At the same time, Rosina reached her climax and Emilio lost his life without reaching the end of his pleasure.

Rosina stood up and fixed her dress. She grabbed her black cloak and dusted the dirt and grass from it. Rosina didn't look twice at Emilio's dead body before she left the forest with a satisfied grin.

The following day, a huge commotion erupted in the pack.

Rosina lay on her bed, looking at the old ceiling and waiting for her door to open.


The door immediately burst open, with Cleto looking straight at her.

"Father?" Rosina muttered softly while rubbing her eyes as if she had just woken up from sleep.

A fellow warrior wolf appeared at Cleto's side and looked at Rosina with hatred.

"You killed Emilio!"

"What? I-I didn't," Rosina trembled while looking down at the floor as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Ugh, why did you even think this weakling can kill a warrior wolf? She was locked in this room for the whole night?" Cleto faced the warrior wolf with wide eyes as the realization hit him. "Did you do something?"

"No, not us, Alpha," Osbert, a warrior wolf, answered and lowered his head to show submissiveness.

"Rosina, follow us!" Cleto's voice boomed across the hall. They started walking away without waiting for her.

Rosina grabbed her white cardigan that was already prepared on the chair. Her eyes glanced at her clothes and black cloak from last night that was hidden behind the cabinet before leaving the room.

They all went to the Northern forest to see Emilio's corpse bathing in his own blood.

Cleto grabbed Rosina's arm and threw her in front of the corpse. "Did you do that!?"

Rosina didn't answer; instead, she gagged and threw up on the side.

That acting was enough to convince her father and the fellow wolves around them that she was not the murderer.

Cleto growled so loud and grabbed Osbert by his neck. Pulling his face closely while he whispered words into his ears.

"Find who did this, or your body will lay next to that corpse." Cleto pushed Osbert before leaving the scene.

Murmurs echoed in the forest as Rosina cleaned her lips before standing up. She cowered back and didn't say a word before attempting to leave, but Osbert called her back.

"Rosina, stay here."

The rest of the wolves that weren't involved were sent away. Only the two of them were left in the northern forest.

"Tell me, did you do this!?" Osbert spoke slowly as he pointed at the corpse.

"No, I didn't," Rosina shook her head as she started crying again.

"I know about the plans between you two," Osbert whispered aggressively. He was suppressing his anger to prevent other wolves from hearing their conversation.

Rosina's sobs turned into a slow chuckle before her voice got louder. Her innocent eyes turned into those of a lunatic. "And what would you do if it was me? Do you have any proof of the crime?"

Osbert's eyes widened as he took a couple of steps back. His tongue failed to move when staring at Rosina, who was walking in his direction.

Even if Osbert was a warrior wolf and was trained to fight and kill any rogues that tried to enter their pack illegally. He can't stand a chance against someone that his animal instincts keep telling him to run.

"Tell me, Osbert. What are you gonna do about it?" Rosina moved closer to Osbert, touched his chin and slowly pulled him closer to her body. "Perhaps, you want to join him?"

Rosina's left eye glowed to suppress Osbert from moving and using a mind-link. "But how can I kill such a strong man on my own, Osbert? That doesn't make any sense, don't you think?"

Osbert stared at Rosina with his eyes turning green. He nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, you are right."

Rosina grinned after successfully hypnotizing Osbert. She let go of him and walked away.

It didn't take long before the hypnotizing power vanished and made Osbert confused at what had happened between Rosina and him.

Rosina returned to her innocent facade and met her mother, who was waiting for her in the living room. Some wolves were also there, but they didn't acknowledge her presence.

"Rosina, come with me," Natale took Rosina's hand and pulled her to the other room.

Inside, there were dresses laid out on the bed in bright colors. They made Rosina cringe, but she managed to hide her reaction from her mother.

"I wish your father would give you some allowance towards new dresses, but he refused. So, these are the dresses I wore when I was joining the mating season. I hope you don't mind," Natale fidgeted with the hem of her clothes while anxiously waiting for Rosina's answer.

"It's fine, mother. They look beautiful," Rosina muttered and hugged her mother before looking at the set of dresses and choosing one that would make any man puke at the sight of her.

"Oh, most men like innocent-looking girls. This dress will look perfect on you," Natale held a long pink glittery gown with a big flower at the back.

"I thought they liked a strong she-wolf, mother," Rosina stated and let her mother place the dress on her body to see if it fit.

"Yes, they want a strong wolf with an innocent face, honey," Natale giggled and grabbed other bright-colored clothes for Rosina to try on.