The Ball

Days went by so fast. Rosina stood in front of the mirror wearing a plain baby pink dress. Her auburn hair was braided and put into a bun with a pink ribbon.

Rosina placed her favorite rose pin in her bun. She only wore light make-up that showed her natural features. Overall, Rosina's appearance was simple and not eye-catching.

"Honey," Natale opened Rosina's door with a box in hand. "I got you something."

Rosina faced her mother with a kind smile. "What is it, mother?"

When she saw Rosina's appearance, Natale almost dropped the box she was carrying. "You look gorgeous, oh my gosh."

"Thank you," Rosina lowered her head and hid her face in a handkerchief to show shyness. An action that she had practiced for years.

"It's a pity that they are holding a masquerade ball this year," Natale touched Rosina's cheeks before she handed the box to her. "They won't  be able to see your face."

Rosina giggled and opened the box. Inside was a pink half-face mask painted with flowers. "Oh my, I will cherish this night, mother."

Natale looked at her daughter with a proud smile. She took the mask and helped Rosina put it on her head.

"Rosina, you might feel pressured by your father's expectations about finding a mate, but I want you to find one in your own time. Only accept someone who you won't regret marrying someday," Natale whispered. She couldn't stop the tears that escaped her eyes. Natale wiped her cheeks instantly to hide the pain from her daughter.

"I will," Rosina stated softly. She felt her heart melt at her mother's words.

Natale massaged Rosina's shoulders before she stepped back and looked at her overall appearance. "You are perfect for the night. Let's go."

"Yes, mother," Rosina stated and followed her mother outside toward the pack house.

Cleto was standing beside the carriage. He grabbed Rosina and pulled her to the side.

"Make sure to succeed, or you will never see the moonlight again," Cleto spat into Rosina's ears, threatening her before he pushed her inside the carriage and aggressively slammed the door.

Rosina glanced out the window and saw her mother waving goodbye. A sad smile played on her lips before her husband dragged her inside the pack house.

"Did you regret your choice, mother?" Rosina muttered softly. She knew her mother regretted marrying a cruel husband, but she couldn't escape fate.

Rosina glazed her hand over the soft material of her clothes. She smiled at the thought of her mother's appearance when she wore the dress when she was young.

Rosina glanced to the side and saw an envelope. She grabbed it and detected that it was the invitation to the ball.

There were instructions inside about the rules of the event. Since it was Rosina's first time attending the event, she opened it and read what was detailed inside.


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. It is our absolute pleasure to cordially invite you to the most anticipated Annual Mating Season. We shall transport you to Sabrecrown's Palace for this year's Masquerade ball.


The participants must wear a mask at the ball while finding their suitable mate.

One must not reveal his/her identity and remain anonymous for the entire three days stay on the Palace grounds.

On the fourth night, the participant's parents will present their children in front of the King and Queen.

We hope that you'll enjoy the event and find your mate!


"What!?" Rosina exclaimed in shock. She didn't know she needed to stay at the Palace for three days. "I didn't pack any clothes and other necessities!"

Rosina massaged her temples while trying to calm down before she slaughtered the coachman to vent her anger.

"Calm down," Rosina whispered and regained her confidence. She leaned back on the sofa and took a quick nap before they arrived at their location.

Their pack was closer to the Sabrecrown's pack even though they held the 12th rank inside the realm. Others needed to travel for days to reach the event's location.

"Lady, we have arrived," the coachman's rough voice was heard, followed by a loud knock.

Rosina was awake for the whole ride but acted like she had fallen asleep.

She stepped out the door and saw two servants waiting for her arrival. They were palace servants assigned to assist her needs for the three-day stay.

"Lady, I am Fina, and this is Sal. We are here to grab your things and place them in your room," a young girl with braided hair stepped forward and gave a slight nod of respect.

Rosina glanced at the coachman, who opened the carriage seat and pulled a black bag that contained Rosina's belongings. He gave it to the servants before he bid them goodbye.

"Lady, this way," Sal stated and gestured for Rosina to walk in a specific direction. "This is where the ball takes place."

The two servants gave Rosina a key with a number before they left with her things.

Rosina placed the key into the secret pocket of her dress. She could hear soft music echoing from inside.

"Welcome, Lady," the two guards greeted Rosina when she reached the entrance. "The invitation."

Rosina smiled and showed them the invitation. When the guards confirmed it was real. They opened the door and let her in.

The ballroom's black and gold color combination made Rosina gasp in awe. She had anticipated a lavish lifestyle at the Palace, but she didn't expect such an extravagant display of wealth.

Rosina looked down at the terrace, where wolves were socializing.

"Interesting," Rosina hummed. She was amused at the color contrast between the color of the room and the she-wolves who wore bright and colorful colors, making them stand out in the crowd.

Rosina looked around, but nobody was paying attention to her, which she was pleased about.

As Rosina walked down the stairs, she clutched the brooch on her clothes and unlocked it. Her baby pink gown transformed into black with gold embroidered roses at the bottom.