The Heaven Drink

Rosina used her strength to climb the wall and ensured she wouldn't leave any blood spilled on the wirings placed on top. She jumped to the other side and successfully escaped the palace ground.

"That went well," Rosina muttered and fixed her cloak before walking down the small hill since the city was located below the palace.

Since Rosina had witnessed the passionate night of a couple, her body was in heat, and her mind was only thinking of one thing—  a d*ck.

"Ah," Rosina huffed while trying to calm her ragged breathing. She closed her eyes and felt the cold night air hitting her skin. Somehow, her body heat was calming down. It took her several minutes before she arrived at the city's entrance.

"Alright, where should we go next?" Rosina thought while looking at the bright lights on nearby buildings and stalls. Excitement grew inside Rosina, but most of all, her lust was building up.