The Man with Hazel Eyes

Rosina took off her cloak and threw it over the sofa. She was sweating a lot, and her body was heating up, but her left eye was hurting most of all.

"Ah!" Rosina groaned and slumped down on the floor while trying to add pressure on her eye to minimize the pain, but it didn't help well.

A knock on the door took Rosina's attention.

"Miss Mita, here comes your delivery," Babydoll's voice echoed outside, followed by a groan.

"Coming!" Rosina forced herself to stand up and staggered toward the door. She opened to reveal a young man in his 20's with brown curly hair and hazel eyes. He had a cloth wrapped around his mouth to prevent him from screaming.

Babydoll immediately pushed the man into Rosina's room before someone could see them since not all werewolves who took the Royalty service knew about the existence of slaves below the ground.