The Birth Mother

"He-help me!" Luigi cried out in pain as he collapsed to the ground. His wolf was trying its best to heal his wounds, but the cuts were deep and numerous.

Several men ran in his direction and offered to help him. They gave him a cloth to cover his naked body against the cold. 

"What a sight," Draco stated in shock, and his eyes glanced at Rosina. A smile crept into his face, and he leaned closer to her and whispered. "Whoever does that had a wonderful talent in art."

"Oh, really?" Rosina chuckled as she shook her head and went back to stare at Luigi's form, which was trembling. 

The werewolves were asking him where he came from and what had happened. All ears of the crowd focused on him and what he was about to say. This issue could be a warning or a sign of a rogue attack on the pack.