The Closed Case

Rosina became serious, and her eyes met Dona. She walked in front of her, kneeled down, and caressed her cheeks, wiping out the dried tears.

"As for this man, who might be your name?" Rosina asked, even though she already knew his name.

"L-luigi," he stated and couldn't even look into Rosina's eyes without trembling.

"Sir Luigi, can you state your background to the nobles listening here?" Rosina stated calmly and stepped back so Luigi could breathe without her aura suffocating him.

"I-I'm a husband and father of three children. I owned a meat store that sustained the needs of my family. I-I would never cheat on my mate," Luigi said and looked at Rosina wide-eyed. "I would sacrifice everything for them."

"I see. Thank you. Sir Luigi," Rosina smiled kindly and faced the Queen. Their eyes met with a knowing look, mainly since they had discussed the case two days ago.