The Wedding Gift

Rosina smiled cheerfully as her servants fixed her hair and makeup. It was the day of her wedding, but she wasn't happy because of it. 

"You look radiant, Lady Rosina," Fina whispered with tears in her eyes, same with Sal. They were all tearing up because of the union.

Rosina acknowledged their words, but she wasn't fascinated by them. All her mind could think about was Silvio's answer to her question.

'Ah, Silvio thought I was beautiful,' Rosina giggled cutely. Making Fina and Sal think her reaction was because of her wedding.

They took the wedding gown wrapped nicely in a paper bag. It was simple but elegant. Rosina fit inside, and the fabric hugged her figure like a second skin.

"Woah, the gown suited you very well, Lady Rosina," Fina and Sal exclaimed in awe. It was their first time seeing clothes that hugged a woman's figure.