The Virginity's Regret

Mari accepted the pleasure given by Rosina on her breast while Draco was massaging her clit. Both areas gave her pleasure that she hadn't experienced before. 

After all, Mari was a virgin. 

Rosina noticed the innocent reaction that Mari had been showing for a while, and she liked it. As for Draco, he didn't give a sh*t whether she was a virgin or not. 

"Th-this is amazing!" Mari exclaimed and moaned loudly every time Rosina pinched her nipples. 

"Of course," Rosina answered and leaned closer. "After all, you're going to have sex."

"W-what?" Mari stated with confusion in her eyes. It took a while before she finally understood what Rosina meant. Her eyes bulged, and she tried to get away, but Draco held her waist tight, preventing her from leaving.

"You don't know what it was?" Rosina asked with an amused chuckle.

"I-I only want to have sex with my mate!" Mari shouted with embarrassment.