The Unknown King

Rosina didn't know how many days had been since they started traveling non-stop. They would only stop for a few minutes before they started moving again.

'My back aches,' Rosina thought as she scooted over to have a good position to lie on, but the hard floor was making it worst. Her stomach also grumbled from hunger. They still weren't fed from the entire time they spent traveling.

Even though Rosina was hungry, she was still functioning well due to the souls she had eaten from the male wolves, but she was a bit concerned about the other she-wolves since they all looked weak from the lack of water and food to supply their bodies.

Rosina could feel their heartbeat much slower than the usual beating. 

'Their wolves are getting weaker each day, too,' Rosina thought. The wolves inside the human body were the ones that helped maintain human function in case of emergency. It was basically two souls in one body.