The Towel on Pepe's Waist

It has been two days since Rosina talked to Pepe. She had been transferred to another room far more improvised than the other one.

"I'm bored," Rosina muttered while staring at the ceiling. She thought she would have many things to do in the 13th pack but felt she was back in Draco's residence.

"I'm becoming a blob again," Rosina sighed deeply and stood up. She looked at the food placed on the table. "It's good that they fed me well."

The servants had been bringing her food and clothing every day. Although they treated her more special, the chains on her wrist and feet were still there.

"They don't trust me yet, but why will they?" Rosina chuckled while seeping the cold coffee prepared for her.

"Ack! This needs some milk!" Rosina stared at the black coffee on the cup with a grimace. She placed it back on the table and began eating the roasted chicken leg prepared for her, but the chains dangling at each movement made it hard for her to eat.