The One Who Came First

Rosina smiled when she noticed that Violetta didn't have experience in sexual activity. She thought Violetta had several experiences since her aura was screaming that way.

"You're still a virgin, aren't you?" Rosina stated with a smirk before holding Violetta's waist and flipping her down the bed.

"Ow!" Violetta groaned when her head hit the hard mattress. "What are you talking about? I have experience!" 

"Heh," Rosina looked at her with hazy eyes. She could see the light pink hue on Violetta's cheeks due to embarrassment. 

"Then let's see who will win," Rosina stated before lowering her head and licking Violetta's neck, which sent shivers down her spine.

"Ah~" Violetta unexpectedly moaned from the foreign sensation she felt. She hurriedly covered her mouth to avoid further noises from escaping. 

"You like that?" Rosina muttered and began kissing Violetta's neck. She could feel the vibration of her skin under her touch.