The One Who Think She Cheated

Rosina and Violetta stood in front of one another. They were currently inside a huge circle formed by the other werewolf, and Pepe was standing in the center.

"Rose, are you willing to accept her challenge?" Pepe stated with concern. He knew that Rosina had already defeated Violetta in an unknown challenge, but he knew that Violetta was an excellent warrior in battle.

"Yes," Rosina answered and gave a meaningful look to Violetta. 

Pepe nodded and took a step back. "Then the challenge will begin now!"

Violetta protracted her claws and growled loudly at Rosina, but she didn't attack. It was a move to show her dominance and intimidation against Rosina.

Rosina remained calm and walked to the side as they encircled one another. Observe each other's movement and wait for the one who would strike back.

"You think you can trounce me?" Violetta whispered, followed by a growl.