The Hidden Memory Inside the 13th Pack

Rosina walked to an unkempt place where dried leaves scattered on the clearing and at the center was a grave.

"I finally meet you again, Peride," Rosina muttered with disgust. She placed two dried red roses on the grave and looked at the name sketched on the stone.

Peride Allessi was the previous Rogue King and Pepe's father.

Rosina went to find his burial site and reminisce the memories she had with the 13th pack to grow back the pain and hatred she felt back then. She wanted to use her emotions to fuel herself for the upcoming war that she couldn't escape.

"Peride, do you remember me? The girl you molested?" Rosina whispered and sat down on the grass. She touched the stone tomb with a hateful smile.

"You must have forgotten about me after rotting for years. Let me help you remember," Rosina stated with an amused chuckle. She unlocked the memories she kept for years inside her brain.