The Realization

Silvio pushed Rosina away from him with a shocked expression. "What are you doing!?" he exclaimed and took a step back while wiping his lips.

"Do you feel something?" Rosina asked with hopeful eyes. Although, she felt nothing.

"Ah yes, I feel disgusted!" Silvio snarled, but he calmed himself since he didn't want to disrespect Rosina.

"I see," Rosina sighed deeply before patting Silvio's shoulders and walking away as if nothing had happened. 

Silvio was stunned and couldn't say anything regarding what Rosina did to him. After all, it was his first kiss, and she stole it from him.

Rosina didn't give a sh^t about the kiss since, for her, it was normal. She went ahead and searched for the two Princes. Along the way, she passed by Gastone's tent, and his scent engulfed her lungs.

"He's in there," Rosina whispered and turned to the right side, entering Gastone's tent without announcing her presence.