The Servant's Facade

After more than a week, Draco and his companions arrived at the Sabrecrown pack. They immediately went to the Monarch to inform them about the revolt against the crown.

The King and Queen stared down at their dirty and disarrayed form. 

"I am more concerned that you lost against the mere rogues," Cinzia, the Queen, flicked her tongue with disappointment.

"You two had tainted the name of the Sabrecrown pack! Especially you, Draco! The 13th pack should be your responsibility!" Rocco, the King, exclaimed furiously. He didn't like how his pride as the King was challenged by someone who had a lower status than him.

Draco's expression hardened from the blame. He felt annoyed at how they looked down on the 13th pack as and acted like they were mighty.

"The number of troops wasn't enough to defeat the wolves in their animalistic form. Many knights had lost their lives—" Draco tried to explain, but he was hit by Cinzia's cup.