The Red Door

Rosina's mouth hung open when she saw Gastone's residence. The place looked more extravagant than Draco.

Gastone decided to bring her to his residence to do her punishment and Rosina willingly obeyed him. Having control over a person fed Gastone's pride and he liked it. 

'Gastone and Draco are the complete opposite,' Rosina thought while looking at the grand color combination of white and gold in everything she sees while Draco's residence was full of dark colors and the aura looked gloomy.

"Do you like it?" Gastone asked. They were currently inside the carriage and Rosina was looking out from the window.

"Your Highness, this servant does admire the Crown Prince's residence. It's an honor—"

Rosina was stopped by Gastone's hand.

"Let's cut the formality," Gastone cleared his throat and looked away.