The Stargazing

Rosina stood outside the Northern forest and felt the chilly wind of the night hit her skin. She had bathed and changed her clothes into clean ones, but she was locked up in her room after dinner since she still had a curfew. She used her necklace to create a portal toward the forest.

"Ah, I could feel the chills in my spine," Rosina whispered with a lustful, maniac face upon remembering how she killed Emilio at the same place.

Rosina sniffed the air and noticed that Osbert was already inside the forest, waiting for her. It was midnight, and she made sure to come five minutes late. She walked the path where Osbert's scent was coming from.

"You're finally here!" Osbert stated with a smirk. He had prepared a blanket laid on the ground for the two of them.

"Are we stargazing?" Rosina asked innocently while putting her hand over her mouth for an added effect.