The Invaders

Natale dropped the bundle of clothes she was carrying when she saw Rosina's head pop outside the hole. She put her hands over her mouth to stop herself from screaming in shock.

Rosina looked at Natale for a few seconds since she thought about her next move. She lifted herself from the portal and faced her mother.

"Hello, how are you?" Rosina stated and walked closer to Natale.

"What just happened?" Natale asked in confusion and looked at the portal that closed right in front of her eyes. 

"Oh, that?" Rosina asked and pointed at the portal's location, which was already closed. 

"Yes! You came out of nowhere!" Natale gasped and stepped back when she saw Rosina's left eye glow; her facial expression was frightening. 

"Yes, because I can," Rosina shrugged and noticed that Natale was looking at her like she was a monster. That hurt Rosina's feelings a little, but she brushed it off.