The Blood Moon

"3, 2, 1… 0," Rosina whispered and peeked with one eye. When she confirmed that nobody was around. She sat up and stretched her sore muscles.

Rosina got out of bed and touched her shortened hair. Somehow, she missed the long hair that she had cut before.

"I need to go," Rosina whispered and was about to run when she smelled another wolf's scent. She hurriedly went back to bed and opened the cover on the cart as if she was about to eat.

A she-wolf appeared wearing all white. When she saw Rosina, her eyes widened, and she sprinted toward her.

"Your Highness!" the she-wolf greeted with a bow.

"Hello," Rosina looked at her figure and sensed her aura, which showed submissiveness.

"Ah… I'm Elina, a Theta," she introduced herself shyly and kept her head low.

"Elina, what a beautiful name," Rosina stated and looked at the cart where the egg soup was placed, still warm.