The Golden Hair

Leo flicked his tongue and considered Natale's condition. He touched the golden stone one more time before sighing deeply.

"Alright, I will give ownership to your daughter, but you need to give this back tomorrow," Leo stated firmly. He was confident that the Palecrest pack would be under his control. After all, Natale went to their pack alone.

"Yes, I will," Natale stated sincerely and extended her hand for Leo to draw out her blood.

Leo smirked and took her hand. He lowered his head and sniffed her skin. "Ah, you're still tasty, Natale," he stated with lustful eyes before he licked Natale's flesh.

Natale cringed and was about to pull out her hand, but Leo held her tighter. 

"You can't run away from me anymore," Leo stated with a grin and bit Natale's index finger.

Natale watched with a flat expression as Leo pinched her finger and pulled her close, putting her blood into the stone.

The golden stone turned red.