The Handkerchief To Wipe Your Spit

Leo scrammed his feet in horror while looking at the naked woman before him. 

"Wh-who are you!?" Leo forced his voice to sound firm, but it ended up in a squeaky tone. He pushed his trembling legs to stand up and showed that he wasn't scared, but the wetness between his legs showed the truth. 

"Ah, I don't want to say my name," Rosina stated and flicked her fiery auburn hair to give a hint toward Leo.

Leo's eyes followed her hand, but he hadn't guessed anyone in mind since he was focusing on finding a way to escape and survive.

"Ah, seems like you don't recognize me, but it's fine," Rosina replied and licked her lips with her pointed tongue. That image of her doing that sent shivers down Leo's spine.

"I don't need to know you," Leo swallowed his saliva and sighed deeply to muster the courage to say his next word. He wasn't moving on his spot, but his stance showed defence in case Rosina attacked.