The Knife to Cut

Rosina slapped herself to forcefully stop the memory of Biagio and Cleto's encounter in her mind. She couldn't stomach what happened next and didn't want to see it.

"Blargh!" Rosina vomited and held on to the tree trunk for support. She couldn't believe Cleto would do something like that. She wouldn't react that way if it was a woman.

"I can't believe I'm able to see his other side," Rosina whispered before wiping the saliva from her lips. She fixed herself and started walking, but she felt sick.

Rosina covered her mouth and ran behind the tree to vomit again. The image of Cleto r@ping Biagio kept on replaying in her mind. 

Initially, Rosina didn't care whether the two same sexes f^ck one another, but coming from her father hit differently.

"Ah! I need to forget this!" Rosina shouted with annoyance. She regretted looking into Biagio's memories but wasn't expecting the plot twist. She spat out her saliva and sighed deeply.