The Change of Plans

Rosina watched as Silvio grabbed Natale, pulling her away from Cleto. Natale was crying and trashing around since she didn't want to be away from her husband.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked and grabbed Rosina by her waist, pulling her close. 

Rosina nodded in response. She couldn't take her eyes off Natale. Deep inside, she was afraid that she would be like her mother. 

"Alright," Draco gave Rosina's waist a slight squeeze before walking toward Cleto's body and covering him in white cloth.

Draco and Silvio arrived at the scene after fifteen minutes. They followed Rosina's mind link and her scent when they got closer. 

Silvio had also been searching for Natale in the Northern forest after she had run off when he grabbed water for her. 

"Silvio, bring my mother back into the pack house and make sure she won't run off elsewhere," Rosina stated firmly, but her voice was harsh. She didn't bother looking at Natale, who disagreed with her decision.