The Doll

The night came in, Draco and his men gathered together to talk about their next step for the war.

On the other hand, Rosina ventured through the darkness inside the forest alone.

"Vanda! Vanda! Come out!" Rosina called out and looked around for Vanda's appearance. She had been calling for Vanda for fifteen minutes but was not showing up.

"Vanda! If you won't show up. I will call you an old lady!" Rosina yelled and crossed her arms.

"Ugh, you're noisy. It's late at night!" Vanda grumbled as she appeared on an underground portal in her nightgown and face mask.

Vanda was in bed trying to get her beauty sleep, but Rosina kept calling.

"You've finally decided to appear," Rosina sighed and walked toward Vanda, who was still lying on the grass.

"What is it?" Vanda muttered with a yawn.

"I changed my mind. I don't want the crown for myself," Rosina stated quietly. She thought Vanda would react, but she was calm.