The Mate Proposal of Vanilla

In the evening, a ball was held inside the Palace with the windows opened wide, letting the guests gaze at the full moon.

Felissa gazed at the crowd on the side. After that talk with Idola, she wanted to see both Fabio and Vicenzo since both of them were acting suspiciously around her, and she wanted to confirm if they were her mate.

After all, it would solve Felissa's problems about her marriage.

"Lady Felissa, it's nice seeing you here," Fabio approached Felissa and bowed politely. 

"Nice seeing you too, Lord Fabio," Felissa stated with a forced smile. She observed Fabio's actions and remarks since he was one of her targets. 

'If he's my mate, my mother will approve of him since he's a noble,' Felissa thought, indicating Fabio's nobility.

"May I invite you to a dance?" Fabio offered his hand for Felissa to take.