The Other Side

Felissa stared at the knights putting the chains into the lady's extremities. Rosina was beside her, eyeing Felissa using her peripheral vision.

The knights gruffed out smoke from their mouths before leaving the room without a word.

Felissa stared into their faces, but before she could ask any questions about them, Rosina spoke.

"You should see your toy now, Felissa. You can do whatever you want, and after you are done, ring this bell," Rosina explained and pointed at the bell at the door's side.

"I see. Thank you, Rosina," Felissa stated with a smile. 

Rosina waved her goodbye before turning around to leave, but she was stopped.

"Umm, Rosina. Am I really allowed to do whatever I want?" Felissa asked cautiously. She wanted to make sure she heard it right to prevent problems afterwards.

"Yes, Felissa," Rosina stated with a grin before closing the door and leaving Felissa alone in the room.